Pro-mask pediatrics group denies scrubbing resources on importance of faces in child development – IOTW Report

Pro-mask pediatrics group denies scrubbing resources on importance of faces in child development

Just The News: Less than a week after the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published a lengthy tweet thread defending its pro-mask recommendations for children under 12, Twitter users started warning about an apparent memory-hole effort.

AAP resources on the importance of seeing faces to child development had recently disappeared from its website, now redirecting to the home page. It looked like AAP was trying to cover its tracks to align with its new recommendations.

The 67,000-member medical association has a different explanation: an unannounced website migration. more

10 Comments on Pro-mask pediatrics group denies scrubbing resources on importance of faces in child development

  1. Unbelievable.
    No honor.
    No dignity.
    The Gov’t barks “Bend over and spread ’em!”
    And the people who are supposed to be caring about your children BEND OVER AND SPREAD ‘EM!
    No shame.
    Prostitute their organization for a hoax (with filthy lucre).

    Put them on the list – by name.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Forcing the people who are least likely to have a serious case of covid to wear masks will only delay their getting the disease until they are older and making it more likely that they will have a serious case of covid instead of just cold or flu-like symptoms.

  3. I am an early childhood educator. Seeing people’s faces–especially the faces of adults–and learning to read expressions and communicate non-verbally is critical to healthy development of children. If the AAP scrubbed that info intentionally, they are despicable quislings to the Nth degree.

    I am forced to wear a mask in the classroom, but I wear a completely clear face shield that has an “apron” of cloth around it, which makes it acceptable (simple face shields are not allowed). QED, the children can see my entire face. That was non-negotiable for me.

    I would have quit if I had to have half my face covered while teaching.

  4. Hospitals are going to end up shut down. My husband was telling me about a friend of his who had a mom and a sister who are both nurses. The mom was fired from her job Friday, where she has worked for 20 years because she refused to take the jab. She said they fired 1/4 of their nurses and she wasn’t sure how many doctors. She also half of the nurses who did get the jab cannot work anymore due to complications from the jab and two that she knows of died from the jab, but they claim although one died within 2 hours of the second jab and the other died 2 days after the first jab, it wasn’t the jab.
    The sister has until September 1st or she loses her job and that on her floor not one single nurse has gotten the jab and not one plans on getting it. That according to the hospital only 20% of their nurses and 40% of their doctors have gotten it. So she doesn’t know how they plan on running a hospital when they fire 80% of their nurses and 60% of their doctors if they all continue to refuse it.

    My son told me his friend’s wife and her mother both got the jab and that his wife has been in and out of the hospital for the past 4 months since she got her second Pfizer jab. She coughs all the time, has trouble breathing, her legs and feet go numb all the time and she’s lost 15 lbs and they can never find nothing wrong with her.
    The mother has hardly been able to eat since she got it, that’s a new reaction that I haven’t heard of, but he said she has to chew a small bite, swallow it and wait two or three minutes before she eats another bite, that it takes her an hour to eat a small meal. If she doesn’t do so, she throws it up. Her doctors have ran all kinds of tests and can’t find anything wrong and told her it was psychological.

  5. A good lesson in the importance of reflexicely bowing and kowtowing to self-described “authorities”.

    The American Academy of Pediatrics is a private trade association. No different from the American Bar Association, or the American Psychological Association, of the AARP, etc. etc. etc.

    Just because way back when someone got the idea to form this sort of club with a fancy American SomethingorOther name and it gained big credibility lobbying and opining and building membership and publishing and uttering credentials and awards and stuff…

    These groups ultimately exist for one purpose and one purpose only: trade promotion. They are selling something.


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