Pro-Trump activist organizing trash pickup in Baltimore – IOTW Report

Pro-Trump activist organizing trash pickup in Baltimore

common cents-

A conservative activist just threw down a challenge to liberals who are up in arms about President Trump’s recent remarks about Baltimore.

#ThePersistence✔@ScottPresler Next week, I’m coming to Baltimore.

I’m organizing a trash clean up in the city.

If you’re free on a week day, after work, please comment below for more details. #WeAreBaltimore


22 Comments on Pro-Trump activist organizing trash pickup in Baltimore

  1. …I don’t know if you have a bag BIG enough for all the Democrats you need to take to the dumpster…if you don’t trash them FIRST, they’ll just be in the way of accomplishing ANYTHING, it’s how it got that way in the FIRST place…

  2. TheMule JULY 30, 2019 AT 9:14 AM
    “Someone is gonna get shot.”

    …Probably. But you don’t have to be a Trump supporter for them to want to shoot you for picking up trash…

    “The city’s crime problem makes it hard to keep some neighborhoods clean, he said, noting that criminals don’t like “clean spaces.” They need trash piles to hide drug stashes or debris-cluttered alleys to make it difficult for police to chase them. John F. Chalmers, head of the city’s Bureau of Solid Waste, said sanitation workers will clean up trash piles only to have dealers dirty them up again. Some will threaten city employees who try to tidy up.”

  3. People are out of their minds. The folks that created and choose to live in that mess will just sit back and watch you clean that mess. They’ll attend your little pep talk and take advantage of any free food and refreshments you provide but when you’re done they will make the mess again. Most of these folks are takers not givers.

  4. Different Tim JULY 30, 2019 AT 9:37 AM
    “People are out of their minds. The folks that created and choose to live in that mess will just sit back and watch you clean that mess.”

    …and they know it in Baltimore, too, although they DO try to blame it on literal drive-bys and White people. From that same article above…

    “But a cultural shift in the city needs to take place if Baltimore is to become home to clean streets and alleys. A change where people say it’s not OK to throw that hamburger wrapper out of my window because I have pride in my city. Those who don’t live in the city need to think about how they’d feel if somebody threw trash in their backyard as if it were the community landfill. To put it simply, too many people need a lesson in basic decency. And it’s people of all races, ages and socioeconomic backgrounds who are culprits of the widespread littering, which, by the way, is against the law.”

    …I guess littering laws just don’t attain after you’ve given “the community” “space to destroy”…

  5. I agree with “Different Tim”. Read an article yesterday about the history of Haiti since independence in 1820. The French left Haiti with roads and potable water, good infrastructure for 1820. The Americans went in during the early 1900’s and re-did the roads, running water and introduced electricity. Periodically, white developed nations go in to help. Within 10-15 years, Haiti is a mess again. Individual Haitians who emigrate to other countries (Canada has many in Montreal) do well, they are motivated to become educated and independent. But there seems to be a culture of crime, corruption, filth in Haiti – Baltimore seems to be the same way.

  6. There will be some Baltimore residents helping. Which means they’ll be taking another or first look at Trump and his policies. Nice! If Dems lose Black votes, they can kiss Maryland goodbye. lol

  7. I applaud the effort BUT….they gonna need a permit to do this. GOOD LUCK WI-DAT. Unless you pay the right (leftist) peeps it’ll be like getting a building permit in Kalifornia

  8. Ferd Berfle Ah but you’re missing the best part.
    They go over to clean up the mess and some Dem calls the cops on them.
    Then it’s all over the news that Trump supporters were volunteering to clean up sections of Baltimore and some asshole stopped them! Maybe even arrested them, along with the residents. It will make Cummings look even worse! If that’s possible.

  9. “Scott Presler, a gay Republican from Virginia Beach, announced a trash….”. More labeling.

    Why does he have to be “gay” Republican like that is a super qualifier. Let’s try that again, ‘Scott Presler, a Hetero Republican from Virginia Beach’. Fill in whatever Libs use – black, Hispanic, Asian, LGBTQRS, empowered woman, etc. We all know the drill, I am just so weary of it. But as most commenters above have stated, the creators of the problems will sit on their arses and laugh because the Dems barely have to run to win.

  10. Love it. As BFH said, “optics.”

    Plus, many residents will invest their time and muscle in this endeavor. People are automatically protective of things in which they are involved. Great first start.

  11. So, according to one of SNS’s articles above, ALL races and socioeconomic peepul are guilty of bagging up their garbage (presumably even, from out of town)and driving it down to pigtown and dumping it off behind some brownstone there……. REALLY? ARE THESE ASSWIPES SERIOUS? I once worked and lived in B’more. It was an interesting city back in the 70s and early 80s. Still dangerous, if you weren’t careful and vigilant but not like now. I have witnessed denizens strolling down the sidewalk, directly passing a trashcan and tossing their soda bottle in the air so that it shatters on the sidewalk behind them….. These kumquats have no self respect nor do they have any pride in their city. They live their lives with a desperate third world mentality that affords them no thoughts of a possible future. Read Mr. Sowell’s ‘Black Rednecks and White Liberals’.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  12. I sincerely doubt one needs a permit or the permission of the rubbish union to clean up a city lot or alleys.

    Putting all politics, including optics, aside, I believe Presley and the volunteers are motivated by their sincere desire to help their neighbors. It’s when people start getting all amped up, wanting to make political hay of something, that the shouting and finger-pointing begin.

    I remember a time, maybe 35 years ago, a friend going through a nasty divorce let his house and yard go to complete pot. He was probably clinically depressed at the time. We descended on him with vacuums, mops, cleaning supplies, yard tools and food, and spent the entire day going through his house and yard from top to bottom. It snapped him out of his funk and gave him the encouragement to get his act together. He was fine after that.

    Not saying that a a few days of strangers doing the same for the ghettos of Baltimore will accomplish the same thing, but how can anyone know if they don’t try? It may just be exactly the right thing at the right time to remind people that it doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, we conservatives — Trump supporters — should organize the same thing throughout our country.

    Obama wanted to turn MLK Day into a national day of service. We should show the Dems what a real day of service looks like. I’d like to take a pressure washer filled with a strong cleaner to all of downtown Seattle’s urine-soaked store entrances.

  13. AbigailAdams, I was in the almost-same situation as your were. I had a distant relative by marriage who was a slob. She lived in her house filled with crap like you see in that tv show about hoarders.

    Several of us in the family (our relative was her husband) got together and did the same thing. The house was clean and very pleasant. Not quite two months later, the house was well on it’s way to being as bad as it was.

    My relative soon divorced her because she refused to take any responsibility. 3rd generation welfare and he just couldn’t change her character.

    I agree with Different Tim about what may happen. There may be enough good people who are just putting up with it outside their living quarters and will help clean, hoping it will remain that way. I feel sorry for them if it doesn’t.

  14. Hi Claudia — You described a situation just like a friend of mine whose brother who allowed his flat (England) to become uninhabitable. He’d been taken care of his whole life by his mum and had zero motivation to be responsible for himself. His only talents were working his low-paying, unskilled job and wearing out a stool at the local pub and playing darts. He had also been on the dole his entire life.

    My friend, who lives in Seattle, scraped together the expensive air fare to go help him. She had to also hire cleaners while she was there, and then she shelled out to buy him new clothing. I tried to tell her that, given his life-long habits, there was almost zero chance what she was doing would make a difference. Like your family member’s wife, it didn’t — except maybe it at least cancelling out any guilt anyone might have felt for not doing anything. At least now, my friend can go forward with a clear conscience regarding her brother and her own obligations toward him.

    I agree. I don’t think helping mentally ill or developmentally retarded people is going to make any difference at all. But it would be good if, by demonstrating care and concern, perhaps the children living in such circumstances will internalize the idea that people, including themselves, can have some agency in their own circumstances. And if done in the spirit of truly caring (not a political stunt), I think it can go far in healing some persistent problems.


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