Probably One of the Most Important Tucker Carlson Rants – IOTW Report

Probably One of the Most Important Tucker Carlson Rants

This is an oldy, but goody, and warrants reposting.

Politicians game the college entrance admissions at elite schools for their extraordinarily ordinary doltish kids… like Chris Cuomo, for instance.

14 Comments on Probably One of the Most Important Tucker Carlson Rants

  1. It’s no secret that Democrats and naturally elected Democrats are smarter and better than people in rube red states. Clearly Tucker is jealous.

    Thank goodness these same smart people head agencies like the CDC to protect us.

  2. I saw a question on Quota about what qualifications Hunter Biden had to be hired by Burisma.

    Some lib started his answer with “well, he graduated from Yale….”

    Kinda proves the point.

  3. RadioMattM

    I totally understand how they prosper. Our overlords. But it still doesn’t change the fact that they don’t know shit. Maybe that’s why they hate Trump so much. Nothing like your entire life being a lie. Maybe that’s Romney’s big problem right now. A sudden realization that in an open job market he’s worth maybe $10.00 an hour.

  4. @ Hambone

    Remember Ho’Bama went to these elite schools
    in the era of big time political correctness.

    This is when nearly all colleges would receive
    substantial grant money for the number of
    ” minority ” students they accepted and
    graduated each year.

    The more distinguished colleges receiving
    more than the ordinary schools per capita.

    Thus, the more distinguished the school,
    the more likely you were to be accepted
    as long as you had the right ethnicity.

    After acceptance you must of course graduate
    because that’s where the biggest part of the
    government grant money bribe was.

  5. ONCE AGAIN, whatever the left accuses you and everyone else of, THEY are guilty of.

    “Oh, this is racists society is rigged! It should be more fair, no class system! Now, let me and the elites into Harvard to run your pathetic lives! Muhuahahahaha!!!”


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