Probably shouldn’t use the word PERIOD when trying to argue that men are women – IOTW Report

Probably shouldn’t use the word PERIOD when trying to argue that men are women

8 Comments on Probably shouldn’t use the word PERIOD when trying to argue that men are women

  1. Reading a book by David Horowitz right now. The former socialist. He makes the case that all these movements,ie, breaking down the nuclear family, gender dysphoria, drugs,ad infinitum, are the tools of the radical socialists. Makes a great case for everything happening in America for the last 50 years as a socialist plan. We are so lucky Killary is not president right now. But Trump is only a temporary reprieve. Get ready for the fight of our lives, people.

  2. Breaking down all social and cultural norms and mores, so that people no longer understand what normal is, produces a confused and compliant people who start accepting whatever new norms are presented to them by those taking charge of them and reshape them to what they want then to become instead of what they are.

  3. Touchy feely thinking has replaced common sense/intelligent thinking in America. There in is the problem. Some brains are wired for common sense/intelligent thinking and others are rats nest wiring – touchy/feely thinking. They can’t be mixed without a flame out. Don’t even try.

  4. What do you think was going to happen when they stopped spanking bad kids… gave participation trophies for everything…declared peanuts as a WMD…. these snowflakes are older now… Wouldn’t call them adults, though

  5. “Girls who are tranz are girls. PERIOD”

    and men who are tranz are men.
    I might agree with them. Changing or removing various body parts does not change gender, so, yes, girls are girls, and men are men, no matter if they are tranz or otherwise. They are what they is. And that won’t ever change, no matter how they alter the shipping container or change the bill of lading. You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, and you can’t change gender.
    Must be harvard lawyers working for them that wrote that.

    And how about poor Mr. Potatoe head? What about him? Next they’ll give him the big lips and a new hairdo and he’ll me Mz. Sweet Potatoe
    this has to stop


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