Probably the Biggest Gut Punch Ever Delivered in the History of Social Media – IOTW Report

Probably the Biggest Gut Punch Ever Delivered in the History of Social Media

You know when people say “you should delete your account and then go kill yourself”?

Well, this exchange on Twitter comes about as close as an exchange can get where there is no other alternative—

Meet Kassy Dillon-

Enter imbecile named NordCuck 4 Lyfe:

-NordCuck 4 lyfe@IslamFreeSpeech
-Yeah and there’s terrorists a few hours away from me trying to enslave women. I’ll keep the AK around. 
-Tell me more about how you fear perceptions based on your looks LOL. You people are such snowflakes and funnily enough you aren’t even the worst snowflake conservative 😂
LOL! Me calling you out for your irrational fear that you are going to be enslaved by imaginary ISIS members living in the US not too far from you apparently equates to me being an ISIS sympathizer 😂 Ben Shapiro sure fooled you huh
At this point I should let Twitchy give you the punchline, but I don’t want anyone to miss it. So here it is:

Kassy Dillon@KassyDillon
The guy did respond
ht/ shake n’ bake

10 Comments on Probably the Biggest Gut Punch Ever Delivered in the History of Social Media

  1. “NordCuck”
    Honestly, these cuck people are a blight on humanity. The scum, mung, of humanity. They’re some sick individuals. The Pesh women would use them for target practice. They’re not good for much else.


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