— Political correctness has become one of the banes of our modern existence, encroaching on some of the world’s most coveted freedoms.
Worse yet, a large portion of Americans seem to be capitulating to those who would forever neuter our First Amendment for the sake of preventing a small portion of the population from being offended.
This problem becomes exacerbated on college campuses as well, thanks to academia’s heavy liberal slant. The “safe spaces” and “trigger warnings” are a softening of the college experience that is denying America’s young adults from the hardships and full experience of their formative first years outside of the nest. College is for confronting the brutal truths of the world and learning where your morality fits in the fight against the status quo. The experience you receive in higher educations should never be a coasting, breezy, and comfortable ride into beliefs that you’ve held your entire life, nor should it be learning to regurgitate the ideologies of your professors.

You are not learning the alphabet by song in college, you are learning to write your own music.
That’s precisely why the radical left, and the academic benefactors lording over them, are out to get Jordan Peterson.
“Professor Jordan Peterson, the University of Toronto instructor who won’t use ‘gender neutral’ pronouns, says students should know what they’re getting into when taking courses from hard-core leftist faculty. That’s not sitting well with some of Peterson’s colleagues who say identifying their politics amounts to harassment. read more
As unlikely as it is that I would go to a college or university, I would be interested in taking a class of his. Maybe he could come out to Western Washington and try to make some progress with these libs out here.
“colleagues who say identifying their politics amounts to harassment”
it’s all about who determines what content is “unacceptable”.
truth = harrasment
The Left is living, breathing, walking and talking harassment.
We need a lot more non-liberals speaking out against scurrilous liberals that would rather give this country over to illegals than to see America flourish as intended by the founding fathers.
Liberals offend me. Now what?
He just made himself an instant pariah. He makes too much sense and shows genuine concern for the students future. They can’t be allowed to think they must comply.
College is quickly becoming a big expensive worthless JOKE. They are nothing but liberal brain washing indoctrination camps to seek conformance and acceptance for whatever the left and their deviant minds want. Having fully secured Abortion and Homosexual acceptance now they have moved full bore in to transgender and once they get that nailed, I would guess it’s on to Pedophilia or Beastiality……and they use these campuses at $50+ thousand a year as their training grounds……
Fuck the left
Time for a class action lawsuit
A reasonable person would avoid the crazy universities and find one that is a serious school. Like where I went – no demonstrations, we had homework, pop quizzes, exams, labs, term papers on real subjects. Some classes were graded on a curve, students were working for good grades and a high paying profession. Engineers, heh! My only regret is that I didn’t get my Mrs. degree. I’m sure that university is still a serious place. Plus it is isolated in the wilderness, a wonderland, 25 miles from the end of the world.
Only a leftist piece of shit could not see the irony in their saying, “You are harassing my by identifying my politics you nazi fascist!!!”
A website devoted to identifying radical left wing professors and instructors would have been helpful when I was in school. I took a handful of courses that looked interesting and fulfilled a non-major requirement, only to find that the professor was a loon who was completely uninterested in teaching anything meaningful or remotely useful. Although to be fair, these courses were generally easy – figure out the professor’s ideology, learn his or her core beliefs, and memorize the key buzzwords. You could do this in three or four class sessions, and then tune out until the midterm and finals where this crap was just regurgitated back in exchange for a good grade.
This is actually a learning experience itself. You quickly learn what professors can be safely ignored as useless, and you learn to waste as little time as possible on things that are unnecessary. You also learn to “play the game” to placate those who, for some reason, ended up in a position of authority which will be necessary in the real world as well.
Finally, don’t sell most of today’s college students short. True, there are ultra liberal colleges where a significant percentage of students are as ultra liberal as the faculty, but in most colleges the majority of students realize that these “professors” are there because they can’t do anything else and the student treat these courses as necessary evils on their way to a diploma. Many, and probably the majority of these students are ambitious (they have to be to get into a good school), and they don’t believe much of the dreck the universities try to cram down their throats.
These freaks need to be trolled big time. Someone needs to spread a meme that wiping your ass after taking a shit is actually a symptom of buying into white colonial oppression. If you pulled it off well enough, I guarantee you that most of the progtards would have a cloud of flies circling their asses and the typical progtard studies class would smell like a New Orleans sewer in August.
Mule, I’m going to dine out on you for a month!!!
The secondary roll is to see who will bend to their will, if they can bully people and get their own way, but mostly it’s to see who fights back.
You’ll lose your job fighting back.
The really odd thing is that Peterson is not a conservative, or a liberal. He is a thinker who uses plain language to explain his thoughts. He is not afraid of an argument. What he gets in return is invective, shouting, threats…everything but argument, calls for his expulsion from the University for the crime of asking questions that go to the foundation of the left’s attack on the West.
I enjoy his lectures a lot. It will be interesting to see what happens to him.
Speaking of nonsense, I would sure like to hear what Mr. Peterson has to say on this.
What makes these people tick?