Professional Bigot Celebrating 26th Anniversary of His First Race Riot – IOTW Report

Professional Bigot Celebrating 26th Anniversary of His First Race Riot


The Lid: A professional bigot who is not only honored by politicians like Bill DeBlasio, Chuck Schumer, and former president Barack Obama, has his own show on MSNBC and is honored by most media outlets as a civil rights activist is about to celebrate the 26th anniversary of his first race riot. The bigot’s name is Al Sharpton and 26 years ago this coming Saturday, (8/19) he exploited unrest and incited what is now known as the  Crown Heights riot.

It started with a tragic car accident in Crown Heights Brooklyn that Al Sharpton escalated into a full-blown pogrom against the Jews of Crown Heights Brooklyn.

The media gives it a politically correct description, violence between the area’s Blacks and Jews. However, the violence was not two-sided. The Crown Heights riot was an attack on the Jews by the neighborhood’s Caribbean community, fueled in large part by Al Sharpton, the “Reverend” who does not believe in the 9th commandment (Thou shalt not bear false witness).

Below is the full story of supporter Al Sharpton’s first pogrom (the second, Freddy’s Fashion Mart came four years later).  MORE

7 Comments on Professional Bigot Celebrating 26th Anniversary of His First Race Riot

  1. Sharpton is a real POS. When that POS started getting skinny a number of years ago, I was hoping that he had some dreadful deadly disease. But, alas, that oxygen thief is sucking up air through his oversized nostrils. I will dance for joy the day he finally departs for his long awaited spot in hell.

  2. Well, I like to avoid karma, or reaping what I’ve sown, by wishing death upon another. But yeah he’s a RPOS. I won’t celebrate when he’s gone, but I also won’t grieve nor waste one millisecond on a sad thought about him.

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