Professional Poker Player Mike Matusow – Good At Numbers – IOTW Report

Professional Poker Player Mike Matusow – Good At Numbers


12 Comments on Professional Poker Player Mike Matusow – Good At Numbers

  1. Makes sense.
    9/11/[2]001 – a date that will live in infamy.
    We all know that the filthy fukkin ragheads have a “thing” about anniversaries.
    And we also know that their sycophants are unimaginative.

    What we don’t know is how much HRC’s shrill ravings about “deplorables” affected him and how distressed he was over Trump’s Triumph.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. So the FBI helped intimidate and cover up boy rape and Boystown in the 80s, then knew arabs were doing flight training w/o wanting to learn how to land, couldn’t find ANY charges to file against Hillary Clinton, and now we are supposed to believe what they say in Las Vegas?


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