Professor at Trinity College is a Punk – Needs To Be Fired – IOTW Report

Professor at Trinity College is a Punk – Needs To Be Fired

Campus Reform-

  • Trinity College Professor Johnny Eric Williams appeared to endorse the idea that first responders to last week’s congressional shooting should have let the victims “f*cking die” because they are white.
  • After sharing a post to an article unambiguously titled, “Let Them F*cking Die,” Williams labelled white people “inhuman a$$holes” and declared it time to “end this now.”
  • The author goes on to offer a litany of life-ending situations the aforementioned “bigots” could find themselves in, advising his readers to “do nothing” in the way of helping.“If you see them drowning. If you see them in a burning building. If they are bleeding out in an emergency room. If the ground is crumbling beneath them. If they are in a park and they turn their weapons on each other: do nothing,” the article instructs readers.


This tough talking punk seems to think he’ll get all the help he needs in life from fellow blacks and Muslims and gays.

I hope that’s the case, for his sake.


31 Comments on Professor at Trinity College is a Punk – Needs To Be Fired

  1. I think the good professor doesn’t realize only an “inhuman asshole” would say things like this. And sir, being a member of the 6% of the population (black male) who commit the majority of violent crimes in America, your words are just a bit hypocritical there Buckwheat!

  2. That black skank Tucker had on a week ago “Oh you poor crackers, we excluded you from a all black rally. Has been put on permanent suspension from her college. You’re next shithead.

  3. Private liberal arts college – when no one wants to pony up with the ridiculous tuition and the bullshit “education” doled out at such places – hell, let them die!

  4. There’s more. I just don’t have the time this morning because I’m off to support the movement for reparations to those who have it coming and have had it coming for a few years.

  5. Another white Italian-looking guy who claims to somehow mysteriously be “black”.

    Shaun King with a 3 day tanning booth membership.
    Rachel Dolezal’s twin brother.

    Anywhere in Africa, the locals would see him as a “white American tourist”.

    Imaginary 1/1000th black syndrome. It’s part mental illness, part scam enabled by Affirmative Action advantages, no matter how Caucasian you clearly are.

    Hint: if your skin is lighter than your mustache, and you sunburn easily, you’re going to be surprised and disappointed by those DNA results.

  6. Tuition and Room/Board at this place cost $66,000 per year. I suspect that going here is less about top-notch education but who you meet and can use in later life however if I was a parent I’d threaten to pull my kid and any grants, burseries or ongoing donations unless this asshole is gone inside a month. Word of this crap gets around fast and it wouldn’t take long for admissions and the Dean to start getting calls. Maybe the good Professor Jonny can apply to Evergreen College, that seems a good fit for a man of his talents and outlooks.

  7. What leftist professors have done to this school and other once revered colleges and universities of higher learning in recent years is an absolute travesty. Today’s teachings of white hate is so ironic because these schools that employ this man and others of the same liberal mindset were founded by white men who surely must be rolling over in their graves.
    Until people start pulling theirs kids out and alumnae stop donating nothing will change. Tucker Carlson went to Trinity College, I hope he blasts them!

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