Professor Carrot Top Is Formally Charged With Assault – IOTW Report

Professor Carrot Top Is Formally Charged With Assault

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Kansas City – Melissa Click, the University of Missouri communications professor who garnered widespread scorn for trying to physically remove a student reporter from a campus protest, wasformally charged with assault Monday morning.

A spokeswoman for the Columbia Prosecutor’s Office said Click was being charged with third degree assault, a class C misdemeanor that carries a possible 15-day jail sentence.

Click was caught on video calling for “some muscle” to remove a student reporter from an area on the university’s flagship campus where protesters had gathered. The protests eventually led to the resignation of University of Missouri System President Tim Wolfe and Mizzou Chancellor R. Bown Loftin. Click, however, remains as an assistant professor in the Department of Communications.

Last month a group of 100 Republican state legislators publicly called for the university to fire Click. They were joined last month by David Steelman, a member of the university system’s board of curators.


19 Comments on Professor Carrot Top Is Formally Charged With Assault

  1. Carrot-top? That hair isn’t really carrot colored, but rather reminds me that there’s a particular kind of dog food that, when consumed, causes the dog to… Well, you know. Results are reddish brown, they are.

  2. Probably it will make her all the more “righteous” in her anger towards those who don’t agree with her.

    But I must say, regardless of the punishment or her reaction to it, it is good to see for all of us and those who are hectored by her ilk.

  3. That’s easy to explain – it’s because their merit-less agenda-driven arguments can’t be supported with logic, sound reasoning or the truth. Lies, violence & so-called “Victimhood” is all they got. They are pathetic and this one should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, then tack on a few more years for the Fugly Factor!

  4. “a class C misdemeanor that carries a possible 15-day jail sentence.”

    Not a long enough sentence or charge. However, 15 days in the slammer with a bunch of lezzies and drug addicts might change her mind the next time she goes assaulting people.

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