Professor Declares War on the U.S. – IOTW Report

Professor Declares War on the U.S.

19 Comments on Professor Declares War on the U.S.

  1. The (so-called) indigenous people of the Americas miserably lost round one scoring only a relatively few technical points before they were KO’d. Do they really want to start round two? Just because the tight started in Plymouth MA and you back up all the way to New Mexico doesn’t mean your warriors were incompetent, just outclassed.

  2. There were NO “indigenous” people in the Americas.
    These morons are so full of shit their eyes are brown.
    When stone-age people were confronted by steel-age people, the end of the stone-age people was nigh – it could not be otherwise – either through assimilation or eradication. The French, Hollanders, and English tried assimilation while the Spanish attempted eradication. Neither were successful.
    So we’re left with a completely worthless race of whining cry-babies who are unable (or unwilling) to enter the 21st century (or even the 18th century).

    And now we’re importing millions of rat-people to help the whining cry-babies destroy what was once a great and good nation.
    Ah, well …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. So, before colonization, there were probably about a million Indians living in North America. Which means a reduction of about 90% of the population

    So lets see a show of hands for the 90% who are ready to die for the sake of ….. decolonization

  4. I’m sure she has never used her ethnicity to advance herself…….
    They always leave out the part where one indian tribe slaughtered, raped, and enslaved other indian tribes. So who exactly should the land be returned to?
    Also, they spend all their time trying to change the past, so you don’t see the evil future they are planning.
    Same goes for congress.

  5. @Tim – FJB Friday, 22: There’s plenty out there claiming to be a full blown injun. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Iron Eyes Cody, Ward Cburchill. There’s others, and there’s no dismantling of anything, and they’ll get exposed like all the others.

  6. Somebody needs to ask her, how much nonindigenous blood does a person need to have in order to qualify for falling under the “decolonization” program? Will people of Latin American native blood be forcibly removed to Latin America? How do they plan to pay for shipping people of African descent forcibly back to Africa?

  7. These woke “indigenous” clowns are delusional. They can’t be serious because none of them would give up Western advancements like a clean water system, immediate unlimited food supply, electricity and stellar medical care.

    You can forget any of these injun activists living like their primitive ancestors who starved and ravished each other to survive. They were stagnant when the Europeans arrived. Enslaving their own and eventually shocker, black Africans.

    They are like the rest of us, reaping the benefits of technology. These woke fools would not want to give up their modern conveniences even if the mean ole white people made them possible.

    Besides, they don’t have the numbers to have any effect, except to be a detriment to themselves. That’s the idiocy of socialist ideals – tried and failed every time.

  8. Those goofy bastards hadn’t even invented the wheel when the White Eyes arrived. How in the hell are they going to organize a revolution? All we have to do is keep them liquored up.


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