Professor Disparages Toilet Cleaners – IOTW Report

Professor Disparages Toilet Cleaners

A Walmart employee put “toilet cleaner” on a professor’s fishing license application. This was so egregious to the elitist prof that he is suing Walmart for damages.


A Montana State University professor is suing Wal-Mart for libel after he says an employee at the Bozeman store listed his occupation on a fishing license as a “toilet cleaner.”

Gilbert Kalonde, assistant professor of technology education at MSU, filed the suit this past week in Gallatin County District Court.

Kalonde is seeking unspecified damages.

Wal-Mart spokesman Ragan Dickens told The Associated Press: “To our knowledge an administrative process to resolve this with Dr. Kalonde is ongoing. We’ve not been served with the lawsuit, but we take the claims seriously and will respond appropriately with the court.”

According to the complaint, Kalonde bought a state fishing license in April 2015, showing the Wal-Mart employee identification of his employment at MSU. But the Wal-Mart employee entered “clean toilets” into the state database as Kalonde’s occupation.

The suit contends Wal-Mart exposed Kalonde to “hatred, contempt, ridicule” through the incident.
“In (Kalonde’s) home country of Zambia, the people that do this work are the lowest social class, and are shunned and avoided by society,” the suit says, per the Bozeman Daily Chronicle.
In America we shun and avoid people who would sue because they were called a toilet cleaner.

35 Comments on Professor Disparages Toilet Cleaners

  1. I am sure the good professor was hired for his brilliance, publication record, and communication skills. Not like he’s an affirmative action hire who probably does sweet FA, or anything like that. He’ll loaf and be a load and a drag on his dept. for 5 years, then they will give him tenure and then he’ll do even less. Sorry I’ve worked inside the univ system for many years and have seen this process play out over, and over, and over. Call me what you will, but I am only being observant and frank.

  2. The toilet cleaner is not the lowest, there’s always the guy that slips into the septic tank, I believe that’s at least 1 step lower.
    Hey ‘professor’ you’re a shit pickle.

  3. There was an employee in the sporting goods department at WalMart?
    I’ve been looking for one for over a year and haven’t found one. What probably happened was he found the employee that cleans the toilets at WalMart and they listed their occupation.

  4. When our daughter started middle school we signed her up for “technology class” thinking it was a computer class, imagine our surprise when we walked in and it was a shop class. She loved it, she was ready to use most of the tools because she had been around them all of her life helping AA and me demo our kitchen when she was 4, after that screw guns, jigsaws, chop saws.
    So I could see how a mistake was made, the kids did have to clean up after themselves.

  5. My father cleaned toilets for a living for a while.
    I cleaned toilets for a living for a while.
    I had totally forgotten about both of those until this thread. There is nothing wrong with that because somebody has to do it.

    Neither dad nor I thought it was a career pinnacle and for both of us it was brief.

    I’d rather hang out with those who have had shit jobs and made their way to success than those who had success handed to them.

  6. Why would he be showing his fishing license to his asst. prof and a group of students?..some sort of proud moment?…maybe you can vote with a fishing license in Montana as a resident alien….

  7. I’m sure some toilet cleaning opportunities can be arranged for him.

    He may be a slow learner at first, but looking at that smug slow-witted face, I can see Janitorial work as his true calling.

  8. I’ve been cleaning toilets for 40 years. It’s a job. But I know how to read, and it wouldn’t take me two years to figure out what a license said. Can this “prof” read, or even speak English? And who goes around showing their fishing license to people?

  9. I guess I wasn’t quite done …. this useless turd of an imposter will get paid 10X his real value (no one in the private sector would hire him), those costs will get dumped on the still-unsuspecting Montana State parents who are told that junior is getting a world-class education, the kids will learn nothing from this moron except to be guilty for being white. He also will get benefits and a state pension. If he is a Trump voter I will eat my baseball cap that hasn’t been washed for 4 years. The associate dean of diversity will get a raise on her $170K salary for recruiting him. Tuition will have to be increased next year, regrettably, even though the university will assure the parents that they are doing everything to hold the line on costs. When the kid graduates from MSU $40K in debt, they will learn that the “hot” field they studied no longer is so hot b/c the federal gov’t cooled it off with a new K-3L visa program that brought in 800,000 immigrants to get wages under control. If the kid is white, they are going to get passed over for a job anyway in the name of diversity. This can’t go on forever. My apologies for venting my spleen

  10. I am surrounded by this type of elitist asshole every day, and am quick to call them out when they talk down to others. There’s a certain art history prof. who hasn’t made eye contact with me in a decade because I called her out for her dismissive attitude to a dear friend on the housekeeping staff n front of students (my favorite tactic.)

  11. The cool part about not being an elitist snob is that you can mingle comfortably with every day people, can clean a toilet, probably build something and put up a tight pattern on a target with a hand gun.

  12. 1. There is not a lot of running water in Zambia, and very few toilets as we know them.
    2. The “Professor’ is an asshole.
    3. I was Latrine Orderly in both Fort Jackson and Fort Gordon.
    4. Check out Gomer Pyle as Latrine Orderly in Gomer Pyle USMC.
    He had those toilets “standing tall.”

  13. You haven’t lived or appreciated life until you have burned a 1/3 of a 55 gallon barrel of shit with diesel fuel during monsoon season.
    Ahhh — the memories of 47 years ago, fresh as a daisy.

  14. University presidents look down on Engineering profs
    Engineering profs look down on technologist
    Technologist look down on gym teachers and
    Gym teachers look down on the custodians

    So you see, this guy has suffered two levels of insult.

  15. Could be all wrong here, but here’s what I think. He is an Affirmative Action hire who makes all AA hires look not so bad after all. He is so bad even those who orgasmically hired him realize they effed up big time. And this guy knows his days are numbered. What better way to keep riding the gravy train than to sue for years worth of income only a mafia member could brag about?

  16. I make a living cleaning toilets. Carpets, rugs, upholstery and tile too. I’m also responsible for accounting, marketing, maintenance, website developement, SEO, purchase and sales, and everything else that goes with owning a small business. I’m also bilingual, blessed, and a veteran.

    But yes janitor is also on my business card. There’s no shame here. Someone’s gotta do it. Besides, people have no idea who I am or what I have (more capital than the average American, BTW…not to be braggadocious) so don’t feel too bad and don’t judge. You never know who’s holding the toilet brush.

  17. I hope Walmart gets its whole legal team involved and drags this guys dick in the dirt. Why did he sign the “dotted line” that verified under penalty of perjury that the information therein is correct and truthful? I am not an attorney…(you know the rest).

  18. Maybe the low IQ prof should have just showed his drivers license like everyone else does. Had he done that instead of trying to wave his status in front of the lowly Wal-Mart employee, that same Wal-Mart employee wouldn’t have mistaken MSU for, Maintenance and Sewer Unit.

    A mistake anyone could easily make with any prima donna, self aggrandizing, unworthy elitist.

  19. Guess he has a mexican to clean his toilet …

    If he doesn’t, I’d hate to see his … if he can’t condescend to clean a toilet (water closet), he must have a pretty disgusting “bath room” (toilet).

    I used to punch turds for a living (plumber) and, believe it or not, there DO exist people too fuckin stupid to clean a toilet – he must be one of them.

    izlamo delenda est …

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