@WOWK13News Marshall assistant professor Jennifer Mosher hoping Trump supporters die of covid before election. Unreal!! pic.twitter.com/xsw2ECjRIm
— Eric Kutcher (@herdanesthesia) September 17, 2020
41 Comments on Professor Hopes All Trump Voters Die Before Election
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She needs to be put on a crash diet.
A big fat slob like her needs to pay attention to the fact that those most susceptible to a severe Covid infection are those that are morbidly obese.
Why would a blowfish wear a wig and glasses?
Toxic feminity?
Agreed, Ann Thracts.
I just figure we’re gonna’ need to crash an SUV or something larger into her for it to have any effect.
@Aaron Burr — Full dress Peterbilt. Either that or a D9 Cat.
Probably a Culinary professor of bullshyte or something. What’s up with her mouth?
Ease up on her. The communist chinese have apparently infiltrated her brain. Just look at all the Chins that have taken over her face…..
Jennifer is a Biology professor!
Says she can’t talk sense into people. Must be that she’s receptive to sense being spoken toward her, right?
How about this:
1. Control your mouth input.
2. Control your mouth output.
Hans, her mouth looks like one those goblins from that animated version of the Hobbit from back in the day.
A sad woman who lives in fear and lashes out because of it.
Tonight at dinner, Jeff Dahmer said, “Now there’s a Thanksgiving Dinner with all the trimmings.”
Your not sorry, and by the way you people on the left are always preaching, how you are so openminded when you are the most closeminded people on the planet.
Speaking of dying, maybe you should quit stuffing your face cause it ain’t the Covid you need to worry about, it’s your fat ass.
Last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it. -Rodney Dangerfield
You just know, she lives alone with no less than a dozen cats.
Pass the eye bleach.
Tony R she had more, butt…
I had a few Koi that looked like that– fish, you know — but they weren’t that dumb.
We got to clean house of psychos teaching our children.
She should volunteer to enter a lard rendering facility. She could produce enough gigawatts to get California’s grit back on line.
Why does her mouth look like that? She might not have any teeth.
Marshall “University” owes its existence — it appears — almost entirely to Federal funding. Named after the 4th Chief Justice, John Marshall.
Another diploma mill where people are squandering our tax dollars.
How does someone get put on (paid) Administrative leave when they are already working from home? What a laugh.
I bet she sports a butt out front. Her teeth are ingrown.🥴
She looks like Grossburger from the movie Stir Crazy.
On leave?
With pay?
Is that the official position of Marshall?
Let it blow over and re-instate it?
A prime example of the completeness of the rot in Academia.
izlamo delenda est …
Iz this a clip from “My 600Lb Life”??
Roast Me!
OK folks, we need a beach, a fire pit dug, an apple and a fork lift….
Her appearance demonstrates a total lack of self respect, and those with no self respect usually compensate for it by disrespecting and desparging others so they can feel better, or less poorly, about themselves.
She actually needs our prayers, not our condemnations.
Real life version of “My 600 lb life.” She and her gunt will be long gone before any of us. Dollars to donuts, Diabetty is missing a foot. I’ll be nasty just like her.
THAT is one honest-to-God troglidyte!! :^0
“She actually needs our prayers, not our condemnations.”
She needs both.
go to hell, bitch
That’s just Mikel Moore in drag
She wears a mask made from Joe Biden’s socks.
If TrigglyPuff had a sister………
Professor of WHAT?! Ho-Ho’s & Twinkies?! 🤨
Wasn’t enough to be fat and ugly; had to be an insufferable cunt too?
She looks like Michael Moore with a gland problem.
It’s a talking blobfish, I’m certain.
C’mon! Don’t hate her because she’s beautiful!
I see Rosie O’Donnell & Mikey Moore had a baby.