Professor is dismissed for not complying with university’s demand that she get jabbed with unnecessary experimental drug – IOTW Report

Professor is dismissed for not complying with university’s demand that she get jabbed with unnecessary experimental drug

Bad language, because I am at my wits end with this.

The world has gone mad.

The totalitarians are ruining more lives than the virus, with the help of the assholes among us who have rolled over for their masters, weeping, and agreeing that they have “seen too much death.”

F**k you, you haven’t, you drama-queen brainwashed weak-assed useful morons. You never wrung your hangs or weeped or bit your pillows about seasonal flus which takes tens of thousands of lives a year. You didn’t wear a mask, like an idiot, when seasonal flus were on the rise.

You don’t scream like bitches whenever you get into a car, even though more people die in a year in cars than in hospital beds with Covid. You know why? Because you haven’t been programmed by CNN to fear a car ride. But they could, if they tried. Because you are weak.

You have a warped sense of risk assessment.

Over 1.3 million people die A YEAR in car accidents! Since January of 2020, 659,000 people have died, allegedly, from Covid. In terms of risk assessment, what this country is going through in order to “save lives” is criminal. The response is nowhere close to being a proportional reaction to this virus.

655,000 people die a year, in the U.S, from their hearts giving out. You would think people who are wearing masks, like good little scared jerks, who pathetically think they are following the science, would wear a defibrillator hooked around their ears and not be more than 6 feet away from someone that knows mouth to mouth. Why doesn’t a heart attack scare them, especially when they are old and fat and out of shape?

I feel for the woman in this video, as much as I feel for everyone whose lives have been damaged by mask-wearing, jab-complying shitheads who think the “vaccination” will wipe out the virus.

We can’t have a working society with phucktards like this.

Hey, jerky, I never took a flu shot, ever. When you got the flu did you blame me?

No? Why not?

Think about it, you nose-picking fucking moron. It’s because the tee vee didn’t tell you to blame me. You are deplorable.

ht/ woody

22 Comments on Professor is dismissed for not complying with university’s demand that she get jabbed with unnecessary experimental drug

  1. The good professor mentions “trust” in her dialogue. Here lies the most important issue of, not just the COVID discussion but, virtually every major problem we have today. Citizens of Canada and the United States have lost all confidence and trust in their governments and institutions because politicians and other “leaders” have sacrificed trust and truth to their respective agendas and lust for power. This, of course, creates trust issues among citizens because you always have those who are followers and do not think critically for themselves. Bless you, young lady, for your courage and convictions.

  2. “Over 1.3 million people die A YEAR in car accidents”? That must be worldwide. That can’t be just the US, is it?

    No, 40,000 a year die in U.S., 4.4 million are injured. I was drawing parallel to worldwide covid deaths versus worldwide vehicular deaths. – bfh

  3. “We will force you to get jabbed, but nobody who will enforce the mandates or manufacture to poison can in any way be held responsible for any negative consequences. Doesn’t that fill you with confidence? We will, however, exempt ourselves from the mandates.”

  4. I can’t help but remember those prophetic words from our last and best President:

    It was in March of 2020 that President Trump, was referring to shutting down the economy, but this is just as bad and his words are just as relevant if not more! There is something evil afoot when the Left is hammering away at us with their meat tenderizing tactics over getting the vaccine!
    Pushing absolute compliance to soften us up for whatever is next!

  5. God bless this woman for taking a stand, but as a professor of ethics she should have learned long ago that liberals do not have any, and your phD in Ancient Philosophy, which would have included logical thinking no doubt informed you that liberals are incapable of that, so it was never really in doubt that you would not be allowed to teach there again because they no longer WANT teachers with critical thinking skills, just indoctrinators that will do as they are told…

  6. I’ve blamed a couple of people for giving me the flu, but not because they didn’t get the vaccine. It’s because the jerks went out of their homes while very sick and coughed all over everyone.

    But I also understood that such is life, it comes with that risk.

  7. All part of the Great Reset / UN Agenda 30. Dissent will not be tolerated, and you will own nothing and be happy. And should we decide you consume too much oxygen, it’s off to the camps to extract as much labor from you as they can before you are turned into fertilizer.

  8. Any sane person is sick of it all. There’s not a lot one old lady can do, so for going on two years now I’ve done the one thing that was easy to do, not wear their masks. Not in stores with mask mandates, if they said something I told them why I was leaving and why I wouldn’t be back. Not in cities in my state with mask mandates. Not in other states with state mandates.

    I told a woman today in one of our towns how ignorant she is. Big festival in town, with tons of people looking for diners downtown to go in and sit down and get something to drink and/or eat to cool off for awhile. All but one of them were swamped. This one lady in her mask was sitting outside her opened door to her little cafe asking people to come in. On the door and on the window were huge Masks Required signs. So when she asked me as I was walking by I told her nope. She then preceded to whine to me in the past she was always busy but this year nobody was coming in so she guessed everyone preferred the food trucks. I pointed across the street and said they have no available tables, I pointed down the street and said look they have people lined up outside waiting to get in. You know what they don’t have that you do have and pointed at her sign.
    She got all testy then and told me it was her business and she wanted to keep people safe and she would run it the way she wanted.
    I told her that was her right, but I was just informing her why she had no business when the other businesses did, people look at her signs and keep on walking as is their right. I told her to have a nice day and walked across the street to the other place and waited for a seat.

  9. Bless her beautiful soul.
    I would say that she should try and apply for U.S. citizenship and move to Florida or Texas where they may have an opening for her somewhere at an institute of higher learning.
    (But of course, attaining a green card these days probably only comes with proof of vax.)


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