Professor says grading, good grammar are examples of white supremacy – IOTW Report

Professor says grading, good grammar are examples of white supremacy

Why are people promoting black subordination?

The College Fix-

“Freeing Our Minds and Innovating Our Pedagogy from White Language Supremacy” was the title of the 75-minute guest lecture given on October 14 by Asao Inoue, a professor and the associate dean of the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts at Arizona State University.


As previously reported by The College Fix, Inoue is known for advocating that students should be graded based on the “labor” they put into their work, not the “quality” of the finished product.

“We must rethink how we assess writing, if we want to address the racism,” Inoue wrote in his 2015 book “Antiracist Writing Assessment Ecologies: Teaching and Assessing Writing for a Socially Just Future.”

Inoue’s call to action was for students to consider the language they use and question how what they do in college is another version of what he described as society’s long-standing inherited, structured, normalized, eugenic, and white-supremacist project.

26 Comments on Professor says grading, good grammar are examples of white supremacy

  1. “…students should be graded based on the “labor” they put into their work, not the “quality” of the finished product.”

    The Marxist theory of labor value as applied to school work.

  2. @Wendell “Biff” Slappenhertz:

    Please describe the creative process used to invent a name like that! Hehehe.

    Betcha can’t do it without Inoue flexing his muscles at you!

  3. “…..students should be graded based on the “labor” they put into their work, not the “quality” of the finished product.”

    I hope NASA doesn’t hire him to build spaceships.

  4. “His research focuses on antiracist and social justice theory and practices in writing assessments.” and he was educated at Washington and Oregon state. Getting the picture? His College of “Integrative Science and Arts” sounds like a dumping ground for affirmative action hires (they don’t all have to be black) that aren’t wanted in real classes. He’s just a kind of dumb, no talent, dickless wonder whose trying to separate himself from the PC crowd with some wild bullshit theory that will get him on the Truly Stupid Lecture Circuit and some government grant money.

  5. The good professor seems to be insinuating that certain colored minorities are intellectually inferior and can’t be expected to perform at White levels of competence.

  6. That type if thinking is what causes this:

    NTSB’s FIU Bridge Collapse Investigation Finds Many Problems
    The agency published 30 findings as part of its presentation on the bridge collapse’s probable cause

    Not that I would give much credence to the findings of the NTSB, being a government Agency they have more likely than not been filtered through the PC police and as a result are suspect too.

  7. I know where he is coming FROM. I dont know where he’s AT. But I know where he wants America to got TO. If I WAS HIM I’d get the LSM to help.
    I may have worked the fields 60 years ago. But I was not, and am not, ignorant.

    May be because my hair is blond and eyes are blue.

    When Ike was Pres Cal had very high learning standards. Only 68 % graduated High School ; but those that did culd do square root – bring down 2, couble …. and knew Abe said “govt spending is merely sand in the gears.”! Had I said the top 2 lines I would have been one of my friends kekpt in Grammar School. Before JFK all were bad grammar!

  8. And to think that we went over half a century thinking segregation was a bad idea only to have assholes like this remind us why it was a great fucking idea. Some groups are just a flat out cancer on our society.

  9. Well, see, I appreciate creative aliases, especially those that reflect on the comment in some way. (FDR is a good example.)
    I don’t recall what instigated this one but I’ve been using it for quite a while.
    Stay tuned, I’ve got plenty more…

  10. Measuring the labor, which cannot be seen, is much more difficult than assessing the product of the labor. How does the Prof suggest this be done?

    I guess the proof of the pudding is no longer in the eating.

  11. Of course it’s Mcfreakin Arizona State that harbors professors of his ilk.

    Look, I may have lived here for most of my life but don’t blame me for our idiotic collages. I’m still in my mid 20s. I didn’t have any input. 🙄


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