Professor: Trump’s Refusal to Feel Guilty Stole Liberals’ Main Weapon – IOTW Report

Professor: Trump’s Refusal to Feel Guilty Stole Liberals’ Main Weapon

No white guilt, no American guilt, no Republican guilt, no male guilt.

Truth Revolt-

or years, conservatives have been told that just by existing, we’re wrong. We’ve been told to “check our privilege,” so we have. We’ve been told that American exceptionalism is rude to other countries, so we’ve tempered it. We’ve been told that everything we’ve been brought up to believe is somehow racist, patriarchal, and bigoted, so we’ve paused and evaluated our beliefs. Then came Donald Trump who absolutely obliterated the way the Left tries to make the Right feel.

An excellent article by Emory University English professor Mark Bauerlein at American Greatness discusses how Trump stole the left’s main weapon:

read here

ht/ c. steven tucker

15 Comments on Professor: Trump’s Refusal to Feel Guilty Stole Liberals’ Main Weapon

  1. I’m enjoying this.

    What are they going to try and pick on for this
    weekend’s news cycle? Abandoning Melania during
    Mother’s day?

    They gotta reach FAR!

  2. He didn’t steal it, he negated it. He neutered their ability to inflict guilt upon him because he just doesn’t give two shits what they think.

    On the other hand, they most definitely care what HE thinks – and at ALL times. Otherwise they wouldn’t hang on his every action or word.

    He’s leading them (the democrats, snowflakes, libtards and media complex)around by their noses and it’s fun to behold.

  3. This factor (aside from him aligning with our side) is what I think resonated with people at the most basic level.

    It did with me, and every time I see some media manipulation trying to get him to bend toward that pisses me off.

  4. I’ve never understood why so many Republicans have fallen for the lib guilt tactic. Whenever I hear a lib attempting to make conservatives feel guilty for something I shrug and think “blow me.”

  5. When I’m debating liberals, I’m very matter of fact but magnanimous with them…. I’ll ask if they would like some lube to ease facts being shoved up their ass?

  6. Thank God for Trump, we were getting as bad as the Germans on guilt nonsense
    We are the best country in the world. People endure terrible privations to get here.
    Time we started acting like Americans

  7. I think Sundance, at Conservative Treehouse, has been saying this all along.
    Not only does Trump refuse to feel guilty, he fully owns his viewpoints. He turns the narrative right around and points out how logical his side of the issue actually is, compared to the liberal panty clutchers views.

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