Profiles in fireworks stupidity – IOTW Report

Profiles in fireworks stupidity

Dummy fires roman candle into his own face…. on purpose. Screen cap looks like the Zapruder film.

UPDATE: I guess the guy wasn’t getting the commenting reaction he was hoping for –

“Wow, man, you’re a badass!” – so he deleted the video.


19 Comments on Profiles in fireworks stupidity

  1. Not enough stupid people are taking themselves out of the gene pool and voting both. That one couldn’t even manage to get himself a Darwin Award.

  2. @MJA, I pretty sure that when this moron got to the hospital the story he told them bore little or no resemblance to what actually happened. It probably went something like “it was a fast fuse, damned manufacturers”. What a dick.

  3. @conservative cowgirl:

    There was actually a Darwin Award winner some years back who survived his stupidity.

    A bunch of guys had spent the afternoon golfing and boozing. One of these geniuses challenged another one to run his balls–and I don’t mean his Titleists–through the ball-washer.


    The Darwin Award judges made a special exception and gave the guy the award anyway because the result of his stupidity rendered him unable to reproduce.

  4. The best Darwin Award went to the thug whose weapon misfired when he pulled the trigger on a store clerk he was robbing. Lacking Neaderthal DNA, he looked down the barrel and pulled the trigger again. His troubleshooting skills proved fatal.

  5. What an asshole… Is that stupid fat fuck actually gonna cry?… What a monumental fuckhead… Just in case you wondered why medical care is so expensive, then there you go.

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