Make sure you have fence-sitters watch this. How anyone on the right, for any reason, can reward the Clintons with our highest office is the greatest tragedy of our generation. And for what? Because during the Cruz mourning period they’ve somehow convinced themselves that the spoiler Trump is much more evil and worse?
Snap out of it. Trump is the vehicle that stops Clinton’s SCOTUS picks, stops Clinton’s gun grabbing, stops Clinton’s homage and completion of the Obama legacy.
The first showing will air at 2PM ET and will be available until 5PM ET. The second showing will air at 8PM ET and will be available until 11PM ET. .
The Haiti stuff is just sickening. Honestly, the Clintons are like vultures picking at the bones of the dead. I didn’t think it was possible for people this evil to walk around acting like they’re so noble and good without being struck dead by lightening.
YES! That Haiti stuff bugged me too!
How they could look at that small child who was laying on a table in rubble, barely breathing and know they were going to rob those people of damn near everything they had to survive is sick! Hillary has the potential to be a dictator if she’s elected.
I’ve seen this shit with my own eyes. I’ve lived in a 3rd world dictatorship. She’s mentally twisted and we can’t have this insanity as president. This film shows things that she did as senator and as SOS that we KNOW about. We don’t know everything she did right now. Can you imagine the damage she could do as president?
It’s up on youtube
I watched it-unbelievable-they’re fucking ghouls without care at all for these poor people-unreal. Their screams for all eternity in hell will make Teddy’s look like he whispering.
watched it last night.
clinton seems to be a poor negotiator. her criminal buddies made millions and her beard bill only 750k per
gig. in dictatorships, they all know clinton is for sale.
A three hour video of the Clintons? I don’t think I could stand more than 30 minutes of them in one sitting.
It’s only an hour long, Burner. You can do it. Better to suffer an hour than suffer for four years.
The Marc Rich pardon alone should prevent ANY CLINTON being allowed within a mile of the Oval Office ever again.
So many aren’t even aware of how much of an outgoing FUCK YOU to the American people by Bill Clinton, the Marc Rich pardon was.
It was outrageous beyond words.
The bastard is dead but Bill and Hill live on to seek and destroy.
ReddiCaesari, Actually she is an excellent negotiator – she is negotiating for herself and her husband in their quest for power and money.
@ Dianny – Just funnin’ y’all.
All of this play for cash crooked deals is what Trump would understand and wishes to eliminate – no wonder there is such a global hate-on for him.
Just watched it. OMG I knew it was bad, but I didn’t have any idea it was THIS bad. Terrifying to think she is this close to the presidency.
Let me correct myself– it’s terrifying to think THEY are this close to the presidency.
Now THAT was an excellent movie! It was what I was hoping to see in Hillary’s America. EVERY American should see this movie!

I just watched it. The Clinton’s are even more corrupt than I’d thought.
Follow the money.
Wonder why emails and official business were conducted on private server.
The whole pay for play thing the Clintons have perfected in selling out our nation is beyond the pale and more than enough to make your head explode but, just imagine what the American public is poised to find out about the Obama administration.
If that doesn’t send chills down your spine, nothing will.
Just finished. Great documentary.
#(@#*$&#((@)#$^&&(&&& c_nt
Is this the same one?
Personally, I’d recommend they both be dragged behind an F-350 (until there was just a frayed rope) for selling 20% of America’s uranium supply.
Good, I missed it yesterday! Hope to see it in about an hour …. shit, it’s 8 eastern right about now. Great!