Progressive Murderer Had a Kill List in His Pocket – IOTW Report

Progressive Murderer Had a Kill List in His Pocket

Truth Revolt

Daily Caller reporting:

The news that the shooter had a list of names suggests the shooting was not a random outburst, but instead appears to be a premeditated political assassination.

The list was written out on notepad paper and found in the shooter’s pocket, according to multiple sources with intimate knowledge of the situation, who spoke on condition of anonymity, citing the sensitivity of the investigation. The list of names included Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks, South Carolina Rep. Jeff Duncan and Arizona Rep. Trent Franks, TheDC has confirmed.

The FBI has contacted at least one of the three congressmen to inform them of their inclusion on the list.

“For those still wondering, he didn’t hate baseball or beautiful summer mornings in June,” White House counselor Kellyanne Conway said in reference to this article. “He hated Republicans.”

HT/ Uncle Al

19 Comments on Progressive Murderer Had a Kill List in His Pocket

  1. All members of the House Freedom Caucus. My congressman, Gary Palmer, scored 100 on the conservative scale and he was on that field as well. Old fat white guy who watched MSNBC not FOX–flies in the face of what the left presumes.

  2. We already know ten times more than we would if Obama was president. “Most transparent administration ever”, my ass.

    And I still say Edgar Maddison Welch is the dog that didn’t bark yesterday in the Dems’ recrimination phase.

  3. TN Tuxedo – I’d like to know if the FBI checked with the men on the list to find out if they approved of making it public. If not, Bad FBI! Bad! Bad! But they may have decided that showing that the assassin wannabe was absolutely certainly targeting Rep/conservatives to anybody who wanted us to believe it was some sort of random anti-govt attack.

    We’ll probably never know.

  4. I hesitate to say this, I fear it may be taken out of context.
    Oh well, I trust the folks on this site have far above average intelligence.

    I am glad he went after his perceived enemies and didn’t just shoot up a mall full of soccer moms.
    Yes, he was deranged, no rational person does what he did.

    However, he was a leftist who listened to the MSM and politicians egg him on with such over the top rhetoric.

    I am so glad he didn’t do more damage and he is a dead son of a bitch now.

    I doubt anyone on the right would retaliate.
    If they do, I would hope they chose their targets that are asking for it by putting on a play advocating the murder of our Commander in Chief.
    After this, to continue to rationalize that kind of behavior would garner zero sympathy from me.

  5. this is exactly why I disapproved of holding that baseball game & all the congress-critters holding hands & singing ‘Kumbaya’, instead of the repugnicans calling out the dems & saying the dems rhetoric created the incident
    … there will be many more ‘matters’ to come because of repugnican desire to acquiesce

  6. LocoBlancoSaltine

    I get what your saying and can appreciate it. But you’re not understanding the threat. This ass hole’s a Domestic Liberal Terrorist. Created by MSNBC. He has specific targets.
    It’s the Muzzies jobs to kill totally innocent people in a shopping mall. And that is coming.

  7. “The list was written out on notepad paper and found in the shooter’s pocket, according to multiple sources with intimate knowledge of the situation: buy a gallon of milk for 20 cats, make that two gallons, set adoptive daughter on fire killing her but tell cops she killed herself, walk into a 19 yr olds house and punch her in the face. Go to peaceful ballgame and shoot like a little bitch. Get removed from earth by someone who actually knows how to fire a gun.”

    Fixed it.

  8. One less dead msnbc libtard media freak. I’m glad they
    took his lame ass out. I don’t understand why there was not
    a question amongst the group outside the fence when this stupid
    son’s a bitch asked if the men on the field were ‘pubs or dimwits?
    WutDphuck? Seriously.

  9. He is a Hero of the Resistance.
    He will be proclaimed the First Martyr of the Revolution.
    The denizens of our cities have been killing cops for the past 8 years and this is just a logical “progression” of that trend. You’ll see more and more “liberals” who “hate” guns practicing with long guns and some even attempting to become adept in their usage. All the “useful idiots” will start to coalesce around a more militant, structured organizational type – the “cell” – for dispersal across America much as the Communist (in Czarist Russia and Wilhelmine Germany) and National Socialist (in post-Wilhelmine Germany) cells of yesteryear.

    Or maybe they’ll just go back to pussy-hats and chanting bullshit while crying in their weird, drama-queen style. Could go either way, I guess.

    izlamo delenda est …

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