Progressive Site Lets People Know How Long It Will Take Them To Read a Post – IOTW Report

Progressive Site Lets People Know How Long It Will Take Them To Read a Post


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See the byline, it says “4 min read.” All the other posts give an estimate as well.


I have reading difficulties and it took me much longer to read the Harris-Perry email than the estimated 4 minutes.

Now I feel bad (badly?) ((you see, now I’m second-guessing)) about myself. I’ve been made to feel inadequate. And why? For what purpose?

Is this a test? Am I less of a person now that it took me longer to read the post than Medium tells me it should take?

Who made this standard? Some white ass muthaf**ker cracka?

This is because I’m black, ain’t it?

Whoops. Sorry. I couldn’t help it. I was in full black victimization mode having just read MHP’s email which contained the passage –

I am not a token, mammy, or little brown bobble head. I am not owned by Lack, Griffin, or MSNBC.

-yet, she’s issued a statement saying that she didn’t feel that MSNBC was making decisions based on race.

What a stupid world we live in. A stupid progressive world.

8 Comments on Progressive Site Lets People Know How Long It Will Take Them To Read a Post

  1. MSNBC Immediate Employment Opportunity:

    Wanted, young, somewhat attractive, token, mammy, little brown/half white bobble head with minimal intelligence or integrity to read progressive/socialist diatribes. Must bring own tampons for ear rings.

    Will be owned by Lack, Griffin and MSNBC.
    Salary $1, 270,000 per year.

  2. Isn’t this the
    Ach-Toon bitch that keeps a picture of black slaves picking cotton at her desk…”so she can be reminded of what hard work looks like”?

    Now she is going to pull a Dan Rather and “walk off” in pro-test?

    MSNBC is not an outfit that is willing to deal. So miss pretend nigger better get back to her desk before they fill it the next pretend nigger and MHP has to go work for the DMV.



  3. I guess Melissa Perry sees that her black life don’t matter and she can be easily replaced. Any wagers she starts to threaten law suit? Once she does that, no one will hire her! Good!

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