Progressive Soda Company Smacked With Progressivism – No Likey – IOTW Report

Progressive Soda Company Smacked With Progressivism – No Likey

Remember the progressive soda company that had their employees pedaling bicycles to provide clean energy to the company?

Jones Soda.

When the cameras went away, so did the bikes. It was all a symbolic gesture, heady virtue-signaling that gave the morons an endorphin rush for a few weeks.

They were a Canadian company that left the left-wing Vancouver because they had punitive small business taxes. They headed  for the trendy progressive Seattle area-  out of the fire and into the frying pan.

Now they want to go back to Canada.


Seattle’s progressive soda tax.


“It’s kind of ironic,” Jones Soda CEO Jenifer Cue told KIRO Radio’s Dori Monson. “I was part of the group that moved this company, in 2000, from Vancouver Canada because of anti-business type policies.”

“It would be better if we were in Canada right now than in Seattle,” she said. “That’s a shocking statement, but it’s true.”

 Cue’s comment comes shortly after Seattle passed a soda tax. It represents a general anti-business sentiment Cue says comes from from city hall.

“Here in Seattle, I love this city,” she said. “It’s so innovative and I respect so many businesses here. I wish the mayor and the council members could get innovative themselves and create something that wasn’t so anti-business and didn’t consider the small businesses here in Seattle.”

“It’s not about children’s health, it’s about revenue,” Cue said.

“It’s this feeling that small business is the enemy,” Cue said. “When we first brought the company down from Canada, we were embraced as a small business, and were told to go for it. The enthusiasm was compelling. We left Canada because of the capitol tax program that was put in place was onerous for a small startup raising capitol. That has since gone away in Canada.”


Awwwwwww. I feel so bad.

Who ja vote for?


ht/ illustr8r


16 Comments on Progressive Soda Company Smacked With Progressivism – No Likey

  1. Serious you guys, the influx of major a-holes moving from the West into the South, Southeast is a major conundrum. Not only will they bring their horrendous voting habits, they’ll drop the local IQ quotient by 50 points.

  2. Geoff C. The Saltine
    My Bro inlaw, who is a brother from a different mother, a Pilot for a major airline moved from Cali to AZ. Claims he’s save about 10K a year in State Tax. The man does not lie.

  3. This will fail just like there 25 dollar per firearm tax to stop gun crime and there bullet tax to boot.
    Shootings up tax dollars down.
    We will drive an extra 10 miles out of the city to load up on pop, when we need to. As will most people.

  4. “It’s kind of ironic,” Jones Soda CEO Jenifer Cue told KIRO Radio’s Dori Monson. “I was part of the group that moved this company, in 2000, from Vancouver Canada because of anti-business type policies.”

    You’d think most intelligent people would start turning into conservatives at that point.

    But, no.

  5. @Bad_Brad

    I can confirm that the way taxes work here in AZ have saved me and my extended family a hefty sum. Too bad about the health care increase though, it’s seriously bad. Hopefully Trump and the house can fix this asap. :/

  6. I don’t know about the rest of their line, but Jones actually makes a pretty good root beer. Not as good as Triple XXX, mind you, but that’s not available locally anymore, and it costs a fortune to have it shipped in.

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