Progressive Writer Fabricates “Dangerous” Traffic Stop – Loses Job – IOTW Report

Progressive Writer Fabricates “Dangerous” Traffic Stop – Loses Job

What a typical demodouche.

This idiot gets stopped for not signaling a right hand turn, and instead of writing an article about how that’s a questionable money grab by the police, he creates a fantasy where he claims the cops were rude and arrogant and he felt like his life was in jeopardy.

He even pulls the race card, saying he now knows what minorities go through.

The back of his car is filled with progressive bumper stickers. He said the cops pulled him over because of those stickers.

His editor reviewed the dash cam footage and immediately suspended the guy indefinitely.

I watched the footage as well. What we have here is more fake news generated by the left. The police were kind and courteous.

Story and video HERE

15 Comments on Progressive Writer Fabricates “Dangerous” Traffic Stop – Loses Job

  1. Click through to the entire 11-minute video. Just the first minute will tell you all you need to know. He had pulled over when the cops flashed their lights. Then he pulled back into traffic a few seconds later, forcing them to turn on the siren. This is not what normal people do in a traffic stop.

  2. This guy’s a typical grey-ponytail Lefty douchebag and I’m glad he’s been fired.
    Good for the newspaper for having a sense of shame after publishing his “I Am Rodney King” drama queen attack on the perfectly courteous female police officer.

  3. I don’t know if he shoulda been “indefinitely suspended.”

    He coulda been given space for a column called “The Bullshitter’s Bullshit” like one of those down-home-spun “I once had a tick on my ball-sack and used creosote and turpentine to get it off” good-ol-boy articles.

    Might be amusing.
    And a good outlet for absurdist fiction.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. He looks and sounds like he’s in his late 70s.
    Poor judgement and panicky reaction to a routine daylight traffic stop is predictable when you see the 30+ Lefty bumper stickers.

    The LEO’s only mistake is she initially stops him entering a major intersection with no shoulder. He comes to a stop in the active turn lane. No place for her to safely stand at his window –only a busy traffic lane.
    That has been the death of too many officers. Tough way to get a free flag for the widow.

    I’d have waited and stopped him 100 yards up where I can see a safe grassy shoulder for him to pull off. And allow time/yardage for Mr. Bumper Stickers’ slowed reaction time.

    Glad he’s gone. Bet he sees himself now as a “Martyr Of Police State Fascism”.

  5. Now you see …. if the lad had been wearing his ‘vagina hat’ it would have been an indicator to the cops of his seriousness as an outstanding member of the MSM.
    “Sorry if we inconvenienced you bud”.

  6. Nope, he should have been fired for writing a story that was not true. He painted the cops into being the ones violating his rights. He’s being used as an example – zero tolerance for fake news and rightly so.


    Failing to use a turn signal is just garbage policing. THEN they have to jabber the guy’s ear off about everything.

    MINIMALIST interaction with the public should be their goal, instead, they need to explain the ticket, argue with the driver, take 10 minutes to write the ticket.

    IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES: they use a hand-held scanner, swipe your license through, rip off ticket receipt, go back to their car in 5 minutes. “You were speeding, hand me your I.D. Here you go, have a nice day.”

    American police are below bush-league in professionalism. Government needs a whole new playbook, and these revenge articles probably won’t happen.

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