Progressive Writer Says Opposing Illegal Immigration Makes You a Racist – IOTW Report

Progressive Writer Says Opposing Illegal Immigration Makes You a Racist


“The only reason to be happy about Trump ending DACA is that you’re a racist. There’s literally no other reason,” wrote Berney.

Liberals are so absolute in their bullshit. Isn’t it possible that some people could be happy with ending a program that circumvents our immigration laws to reward people for breaking the law? Is it beyond the realm of possibility that a person could be glad that we are finally enforcing our existing laws? Is it that hard to imagine that some people in this country are pleased that we are asserting our sovereignty and protecting our borders? No, it’s totally racism.

Bernie wasn’t quite done:

“These kids are American. They grew up here. And we’re sending them to a strange place with nothing. It’s cruel and despicable,” wrote Berney.

Well no, they are not American and that’s the problem. There is a right way and a wrong way to immigrate to this country and these ones took the wrong way. Even Obama didn’t make these illegal aliens American citizens, because they are not and don’t have any right to that.

“They speak English, they’re educated, they pay taxes — and for the most part, they’re brown. That’s the reason Trump and his supporters want them gone. That’s why he wants to build a wall between us and them. They’re brown,” concluded Berney.

This is such a bullshit liberal argument. People are not excused from following the law because of the color of their skin. Illegal aliens don’t get deported because they are brown, it happens because they are breaking the law. The same is true for Asian illegal alienss, European illegal aliens, and illegal aliens from anywhere of any race, creed, or color. It just so happens that most of these law breakers are Hispanic.

You will notice in this liberal argument that there is no effort to even try to say any of these illegal aliens are in compliance with the law and that’s because they are not. Liberals literally believe that enforcing existing laws is an act of racism and that’s why they are idiots who should never be in charge of anything.

Also, how much do you think liberals would support illegal immigration if illegal aliens all illegally voted for Republicans? If that were the case, suddenly it would be racist to support illegal immigration.

Me? I’m happy that Trump might end DACA because a country without borders is no country at all. I’m ecstatic that for the first time in my lifetime we are finally enforcing our immigration laws. That doesn’t make me a racist, it makes me an American.


23 Comments on Progressive Writer Says Opposing Illegal Immigration Makes You a Racist

  1. There are multiple laws against people coming into America without proper approval under the law.

    If you come into America and / or if your parents come into America and bring you with them as children, by definition, all of you are criminals because you came into the county under illegal means.

    If you decide to go into a country that has laws against people entering the country without proper approval, then you are no longer an immigrant, but rather an invader (you (including your parents) have unlawfully invaded the sovereign territory of a free nation.

    By definition, you are a criminal invader illegally living within the borders of America.

    No matter how long you have been able to get away with your criminal behavior by staying here, or how much you supposedly desire to live in America, or how much you have ripped off the American taxpayer for “free” education, “free” medical care, “free” food” etc., you have no right to be here, you don’t belong here and real, honest Americans can’t afford to pay for you in addition to their own families.

    That means ……..GET OUT BEFORE WE PHYSICALLY THROW YOU OUT! And that includes the scum politicians like Paul Ryan, et al.

    And we don’t care where you came from or where you’re going ….. there is nothing racist about protecting the sovereign borders of the United States of America from invading, money sucking people that haven’t paid anything (and likely won’t pay anything) into the system regardless of color, creed or nationality!

  2. It seems the only NON-lethal way to get Leftists to realize what they’re saying/doing would be to pass a law deporting Leftists…because we’re not racists.

  3. I want laws enforced so I’m a racist? Well Oakey Dokey then… yaaaawwwn.
    Funny, but these Progressive children have been calling us Racist ever since the first Black man was elected as President by a whole lot of White people! Racist? C’mon… I’m used to being called so much more these days I’m almost insulted by just being called just a Racist! I’m to the point where I expect to be referred to as a Misogynist, Sexist, Xenophobe, Homophobe, Islamophobe and Capitalist Pig. Oh and as a hard-working, Law-abiding, God-Fearing, Over-Taxed Payer, I’m probably a Nazi too!

  4. Sick of hearing that they’re hear because they want to pursue “The American dream”. I doubt you could find one to define the term. They’re hear to enrich themselves the easiest way possible {usually illegally} and to funnel even more people into the U.S. The Chamber of Commerce controls Washingtons elected officials and they call the shots.

  5. Disagree with me – you’re a racist.
    No Argument Allowed.
    Facts have nothing to do with this “debate.”

    Talk. Talk. Talk.
    Theses klowns won’t discuss anything with any semblance of logic.

    Well, anyone who wants illegally-invading rat-people IN this country are Anti-American, Fascist, Hate-Filled Maggots!
    No discussion allowed! No argument!

    How ya like me, now?

    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die!

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Those who accuse others are always suspect themselves. Liberals do nothing but project their own moral deficiencies.
    I must say that it is getting difficult to assess one’s character when they insist that they are nothing but….skin.

  7. By this criteria, all laws must be racist because it is mostly black and brown people who break them. If you want murderers and rapists to go to prison, then you must be a racist.

  8. @Am I right? September 3, 2017 at 7:52 am

    > They have destroyed the American Dream

    No. You’re wrong.

    Immigrants — as part of “anointed” others — did not conceive of destroying America. They did not bid for the laws being rewritten to destroy America. They were not even allowed to participate in the looting of destroyed America. The “anointed” others were the tools, wielded by anointed others.

    Neither, did immigrants destroy Europe.

    A bike lock doesn’t crack heads. When people are dropping dead around you, don’t curse at the airborne bullets. Look for the sniper.

  9. The “racist” meme is total BS. EVERYONE is racist and I don’t care that they are. Visit other countries and you will find the U.S. is the LEAST racist country in the world. Instead I’m a thousand times more concerned with MURDER, ASSAULT, STEALING, and LYING. The left’s value system is flipped upside down.

  10. I wish it physically hurt to be that stupid. In some ways it does, I suppose. I mean, stupid people miss all kinds of opportunities in life like recognizing when to buy and when to sell, how to improve themselves so they can work at something other than navel gazing and protesting things they don’t really understand. Or how to live a self-directed life instead of believing every piece of nonsense that comes down the pike.

    Leftism is a religious cult with emphasis on cult. Trying to reason with any of them is like singing a love song to a jar of pickles; it’s just that useless. So if they want to call us “racists” for getting illegals out of our country, fine by me — so long as the illegals are getting out. We win.

  11. Someone calling me a racist has no effect, no impact. It confirms that they are true racists and stupid to boot.

    Come on people, give them the finger whenever they hurl that empty insult. It is completely spent and should have no traction. Yawn or laugh and point at them. Mock them. Ridicule them. Sneer.

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