Progs – IOTW Report


19 Comments on Progs

  1. Agreed. Since most of them are in urban centers, they will die very quickly. The “gun and bible clingers” that they make fun of while sipping their lattes will be the ones having the last laugh.

    Same thing will happen if a solar flare takes out the grid for say 2-3 months. The urban centers will quickly melt down and become combat zones, the EBT card holders will be rioting busting in every high rise apartment they can for a can of food. The regressives will be hiding under their beds calling for police help that will never come. The same police they vilify as monsters. That would be irony at its greatest.

  2. Don’t mean to be contrary, but when “progressives” fight for the “rights” of others, they’re actually fighting to deprive someone else of his rights – never to actually benefit the implied beneficiary.

    Thus the Obola-Care Scam, Globaloney Warming Scam, Tax the Rich Scam, Feed the Poor Scam, Trans-Gender Bullshit Scam, SJW Scam, Occupy Wall Street Scam, Minimum Wage Scam, Pedophile and Pervert “Rights” Scam, &c., &c.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I’m amazed we haven’t suffered a major attack yet, given who has been so deeply entrenched in our government. From Clinton on, our tech and military’s most sensitive information has been on the open market for sale. Their excuse is to achieve parity with our enemies, but it’s no more than treachery. As we stand now, it seems just a matter of time.

  4. No major attack in the USA when the Muslims just opened the door, paid for essentials and ginned up the propaganda …just have to be patient for 60 years and then America is yours..

  5. When hyperinflation makes the money useless, the welfare checks bounce, and the EBT cards don’t work, the parasite riots will make the zombie apocalypse look like a day at the beach.

  6. Zombie themes are inherently Conservative:

    1. You’re on your own.
    2. Individual resourcefulness and initiative are everything.
    3. Neither Government nor “The Colkective” are coming to help you. Just the opposite, they only exist to steal your resources.
    4. Guns are essential to survival. People without guns are dead meat. Literally.

    Glad to see Zombie themes. Gives the young a wake up call.

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