Progs Not Interested In Kamala Harris For 2020 – IOTW Report

Progs Not Interested In Kamala Harris For 2020

Daily Caller Many progressive voters question whether Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris of California would represent them if she campaigned against President Donald Trump in 2020, according to report released Friday.

Despite her rising popularity on the national stage, progressive voters are unsure just how the freshman senator would represent them if she were to run for the White House.

“She’s not on our radar,” RoseAnn DeMuro, a supporter of former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, told the New York Times about Harris’ potential White House run. “She’s one of the people the Democratic Party is putting up. In terms of where the progressives live, I don’t think there’s any ‘there’ there.” DeMuro heads National Nurses United, as well as the California Nurses Association. Read  MORE

21 Comments on Progs Not Interested In Kamala Harris For 2020

  1. Contrary to media groupthink, Obama damaged the Democrat party almost to the point of extinction and they know it. She is like him, now their gun shy.

  2. On the one hand it’s a relief someone as bad as Harris isn’t being taken seriously by the left on the other hand I’d like to see someone as bad as Harris and be easily beaten.

    I guess I’d rather choice the first alternative rather than risk another Obama.

  3. I look at her and see Rachel Dolezal 2.0.

    She’s not remotely black. She looks Jewish or maybe Italian–not tanned enough to be Greek or Sicilian. She could swap makeup with Charlize Theron.

    The female card is over. Hilary and Warren burned it out. With so many trannies around, and 57 fluid genders, being female just isn’t Special anymore.

    Any party touting a Harris or Ossuff as “future leaders” is a party with:
    1. no leaders, and
    2. no future.

  4. Ah, yes.

    A blackish Democrat, with virtually no experience, to disqualify them. And not on the DNC’s “radar” to draw “vetting” attention from “journalists.”

    Smells like ’05 spirit.

  5. She’s a hardcore Lib from California so right off the bat people from FL, SC, PA, WI and MI assume she’s nuttier than squirrel crap. So yeah that’s a great plan, Dems. Go for it.

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