Project Sunroof – Google begins tagging houses that have solar panels – IOTW Report

Project Sunroof – Google begins tagging houses that have solar panels

The Atlantic-

One of the best predictors of whether people install solar panels on their house isn’t their age, their race, their level of income, or their political affiliation.

It’s whether their neighbors did it first.

This finding has been shown repeatedly across space and time, including in California, Connecticut, Germany, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. “It happens at the street level, it happens within zip codes, it happens within states. It seems to be a common feature of human decision-making that crosses many boundaries,” says Kenneth Gillingham, a professor of economics at Yale University whose study helped establish the finding.

On Monday, Google will put the finding into practice with Project Sunroof, its free online tool that aims to make it easier for people to obtain and use home solar panels. Project Sunroof will now not only inform users how much sun hits their roof, or how much solar panels would save them per month, but also which of their neighbors have taken the plunge first.


How about you start showing us who has multiple homes, that way we can go to their houses and protest for having too much excess in their lives. One planet raping house is enough, no?

At some point you have enough house… unless you’re a lefty.

ht/ illustr8r

9 Comments on Project Sunroof – Google begins tagging houses that have solar panels

  1. I’m waiting to see what a 200knot typhoon
    does to all of them here. In the heat here, I
    don’t think they’d last that long, and that’s
    at twelve north.

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