h/t Geller Report.
15 Comments on Project Veritas: Michigan Health Center Workers Stage “Fake Patients” In COVID19 Testing Line For CBS News
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CBS is now claiming they didn’t know it was staged. That somebody else did it without their knowledge.
This is like black ops. Have someone else do it and then claim you have plausible deniability.
Dan Rather would be proud how well his legacy of creating false evidence has been passed to the next generation of CBS sensationalist anti-Republican scam artists.
Its more of the politically censored/gamed news that we’re being fed on a daily basis. Great drama BS.
What is this “CBS” you speak of?
Sounds like a good outfit for Chris Wallace to work for. His dad would’ve been proud.
The FCC should either start canceling broadcast licenses or require a notice at each commercial break that they are fiction and not legitimate news.
Staged by our sooper-dooper Communist guv and her vile little alphabet AG, dana nessel?? I suspect so.
With real numbers so out of whack with all the forecasts (to the tune of about 200% wrong), manipulating the numbers with artificial COVID deaths (dies of cancer, but “tested positive for the virus), staging victims, and then we have the propaganda “News” channels giving out numbers that way out of whack with the CDC (and I even don’t know how accurate those are anymore), who knows what to believe. All of their forecast estimates have been wrong, and not by a little, a LOT! And I don’t know about anybody else, but you can’t turn on a TV these days and not see “we’re all in this together” ads. I’m half expecting to see Arnold Schwarzenegger in the hallway one of these days telling me “”Come with me if you want to live!”
There’s a reason that all this propaganda exists.
It’s pretty easy to see that this is being used as a tool by the Left to strangle the nation. Even as the numbers are going down (Summer’s coming), there is no need for draconian actions. This is their all-out Hail Mary to destroy Trump. The real question should be; which state is going be the next one to follow California’s lead and build their personal Army of “Contact Tracers” and forcibly quarantine people in “other housing”? We should be afraid. Very afraid. Twenty five years ago, far Left radicals wanted to round up millions of people and place them into “re-education” camps. This event gives them the power to do exactly that!
Michigan would be pretty high on my list with that Nazi Governor they have stomping on the rights of the people! President Trump needs to say or do something about this right now before the next civil war starts!
The left isn’t satisfied with 50 or 60 thousand deaths.
They want a shitload more deaths by shutting down the economy, which science says will happen.
Fake but real.
Forged but authentic
Just a question: How many Americans have died exclusively of the Wuhan Flu?
Not fallen out of windows, not complicated by cancer, not suffering from eczema, no heartbreak of psoriasis, no nut allergies, no ties to HRC … y’know … like ACTUALLY died of the Wuhan Flu?
Why isn’t THAT number available?
Not too much to ask, is it?
izlamo delenda est …
Why not tell us when TRUE news stories are on CBS?
It would be a SHORTER list…
Tim, that’s a number we’re never gonna get. NEVER. The difference between what was forecast and reality is just too much for any one “expert” to come forward and say, hey we effed up.
And we all know why. Orange Man Bad and has gotta go. Like sundance says, there are trillions at stake.
Compare this so called epidemic with H1N1 when Obama ignored warnings for 6 months with over 1,000 people dying before he declared an emergency. No one said shit. Trump acts after 1 death and he’s responsible for everything.
Or the Hong Kong flu in 68. Hell, I never heard shit about cancelling Woodstock, did you? Because of the flu? Over a million dead world wide and you would have been laughed out the door to suggest any kind of lock down.
It’s the flu not ebola or Captain Trips.
At least they were not dancing in empty hallways in PPE.
We now know what the “BS” in CBS stands for.