Project Veritas: Undercover at the Warren Campaign – IOTW Report

Project Veritas: Undercover at the Warren Campaign

11 Comments on Project Veritas: Undercover at the Warren Campaign

  1. All these Democrat campaign people are adolescents (no matter which candidate), in their maturity and experience level.
    Do we really want adolescents running the country?

  2. PC circa 1955:
    We played cowboys and indians and as we learned on TV and in movies the indians were called “redskins” or “injuns”
    who were best dispatched quickly with blazing cap guns.
    Then we reversed roles and did it again.
    Kids don’t hate nor did that teach us to; actually it was
    just the opposite.

  3. Faggy soft soy boy,useless $hit.
    After these idiots start with the
    like like Ya know? Ya know? like like like on-an-on…
    I don’t listen to 1 frickin’ word after that.
    It is time in my life I will never get back.

  4. I feel like the USA has less than 20 years left. Once the dollar goes, WW3 will begin and I would hate to see how this new breed of liberals will respond. France 2.0 cause all us old farts will be dead defending whats left of the USA, the Chicoms and Ruskies will kill off the rest of the male population. Socialism will destroy us.


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