Project Veritas: Whistleblower Reveals Plan To Prevent “Trump situation” in 2020 on Hidden Camera – IOTW Report

Project Veritas: Whistleblower Reveals Plan To Prevent “Trump situation” in 2020 on Hidden Camera

Insider: Google “is bent on never letting somebody like Donald Trump come to power again.”
 Google Exec Says Don’t Break Us Up: “smaller companies don’t have the resources” to “prevent next Trump situation”
 Insider: Google Violates “letter of the law” and “spirit of the law” on Section 230

Go See

17 Comments on Project Veritas: Whistleblower Reveals Plan To Prevent “Trump situation” in 2020 on Hidden Camera

  1. Google Exec Says Don’t Break Us Up: “smaller companies don’t have the resources” to “prevent next Trump situation”

    Sounds like a damn good reason to break them up!

  2. And there it is. Trump needs nothing more to dissolve Google. Doing so would set free YouTube at the same time.

    Dupont’s monopoly on the smokeless powder and high explosive business was child’s play compared to this nonsense.

  3. Well, dammit.

    Now that these headlines are out in the wild, any attempt by Trump to break up Google (which really needs to happen) will be seen as “trying to influence the 2020 election“.

  4. Machine learning via a small group of social justice warriors that push an agenda on all of us. Primarily the younger generation that soak it in like a sponge. Going thru this makes me feel good to be more old than young; get me off this planet quick.

  5. So…they need to be trustbusted and regulated by the FEC as a political action committee with a search engine. With historic fines to be issued shortly.

    Is that what I’m hearing?

    Because, if they did this here, and they’ve already been fined by EU governments for privacy violations. How would those EU governments react to any meddling they likely did in their elections too?

    Padlock their doors. Perp walk those Russian moles at the top.

  6. Power and Money now taking control. The little guy is losing out big time. I see in my own town boards – people with money buying advertisements that is beyond the little guys ability. Every wonder why google searches don’t get you where you think they should?????

  7. google wants to manipulate elections.

    and fakebook wants to create the new currency so they ban people from buying and selling who don’t vote democrat. If anyone thinks there is another reason that facebook wants to create their own currency, you are crazy.

  8. this is what happens when tech execs use way too much LSD. they all of a sudden act as if they are charged with saving the world, a god like complex emerges from within the hierarchy of the organization. which leads me to the question, are these people now blindly working for the communist chinese?


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