Promenade – IOTW Report


A girl was disinvited from her high school prom in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania because she refused to wear a dress. Her date wore a dress.

Another school stepped forward and invited the couple to their prom.

Oddly, the couple went, attending a celebration where they most likely knew no one. But that wasn’t the point, to celebrate with their friends, that wasn’t important. Making a show of things, breaking rules, making herself special was what it was about.

The statement was made.


The school said the dress code was sent to parents three months before the prom dance on May 6.

But Wolf said in a Facebook post that she had seen two different dress codes: the first one, according to her, stated that ‘dresses must be formal’ and included guidelines for dresses.

But she thought this dress code, which she signed, did not explicitly state that students had to wear dresses.

Wolf said she was presented with a new dress code on prom day, stating that students had to wear a formal dress.

Her mother Carolyn told ABC 27 that she called the school.

‘I told them that I had read the dress code that was given to the students and I didn’t think that it precluded her from wearing a suit,’ she told the TV station.

‘I said that this was very unfair, particularly at the last minute. We had gone out and bought a new suit. I think my daughter is beautiful in a suit.’

Wolf wrote on Facebook that she is a ‘practicing Catholic’ who ‘lives out God’s teachings’.

‘I hands down love my teachers, I feel as if they have given me an excellent education, they have never frowned upon the way I present myself,’ she added.

‘I’m sorry for all those who feel like they have been victims of hatred throughout this incident but the truth needs to be heard.’

‘I’ve just always been like this, ever since I was little,’ she told the network. ‘I was always more masculine. You wouldn’t catch me playing with any Barbie dolls, I’ll tell you that right now.’

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14 Comments on Promenade

  1. Oh man, times have changed-in ’69 at the St George prom, these two would have been…pummeled.

    But the fact is, the culture hadn’t been polluted to the point that something like this would have even occurred to anyone.

  2. “she is a ‘practicing Catholic’ who ‘lives out God’s teachings’.”

    Does the Catholic Church have the books of Deuteronomy, Timothy, Romans or Corinthians?

    Deuteronomy 22:5 NIV: 5 A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.

    Here is a good article (short) abut this:

    Hey, SHE brought it up, not me. She says that she is following God’s teachings – she better know what they are.

  3. And people wonder why their dead body is found out in the woods, stripped naked after being chained to the back of a pickup truck and dragged over 5 miles of gravel road..

  4. Mother Nature intends for all humans to be born as either male or female. It is self-evident in the genetic code, the biochemistry and the reproduction of the species. To teach a child that he or she exists in contradiction to the biology they were born with is a violation of nature and a form of mental abuse against those children.

    The transgender programming of children is a politically motivated agenda to cause an acceleration in gender confusion and distorted gender identities among the population. It is rooted in a fundamental mass mental illness of a delusional society, where “reality” is now played out via political memes and social media shaming rather than biology reality or even the real world of nature all around us.

  5. ‘I’m sorry for all those who feel like they have been victims of hatred throughout this incident but the truth needs to be heard.’

    What truth? Or is it a disordered but socially supported need to do a stint as an attention whore because you’re different? Get.A.Grip. And that bit about “But she thought this dress code, which she signed, did not explicitly state that students had to wear dresses.” is the kind of rationale used by ten year olds. Not people launching themselves into the world at large.

    I came across a quote yesterday that resonated with me.

    “”The Overton Window has swung so far to the left that the space to the right is something close to a majority. Public debate is so narrowly confined that vast stores of human knowledge, as well as most of observable reality, have been deemed heretical. What some are calling alt-right is what we used to call normal. Noticing stuff now makes you a sh*t-poster.””

  6. What struck me was the “Well, sure, we read the terms and conditions. And, yes, we understood them before signing. But, you didn’t really expect them to apply to us! Did you?” I see a bright future in The Imperial Government for This One. “You stupid little prole. How will The Peoples’ Work ever get done, if the rules applied to the people, apply to their doers?”

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