Prominent Democrats Keep Destroying Norms To Go After Trump – IOTW Report

Prominent Democrats Keep Destroying Norms To Go After Trump

DC: Prominent Democrats have repeatedly abandoned political norms and customs in order to oppose President Donald Trump.

Trump’s presidency, and his candidacy before it, has been in large part defined by his willingness to abandon conventional political behavior when it suits him — a recurring feature in criticisms of the president. Many of his opponents, too, have trampled American political norms, even as they rush to “resist” Trump.

Democratic California Rep. Maxine Waters exemplified that tendency on Saturday when she called for liberal mobs to harass Trump administration officials who show their faces in public — a move that earned her a rare rebuke from Democratic leadership.

Waters isn’t alone in abandoning political norms to go after Trump.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party’s 2016 presidential nominee, slammed Trump during the campaign for refusing to promise to accept the results of the election. Clinton called Trump’s defiance “horrifying” and said he was “talking down our democracy.”

Since Trump’s victory, Clinton and other high-profile Democrats have repeatedly challenged his legitimacy as president. Democratic Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison went even further, calling Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch “illegitimate” as well.

Nearly 70 Democratic lawmakers snubbed the president by skipping his inauguration. Far-left operatives staged riots in Washington, D.C., and across the country on inauguration weekend.  more


13 Comments on Prominent Democrats Keep Destroying Norms To Go After Trump

  1. Did you actually believe them when they went on about “the peaceful transfer of power” re the Presidential elections? They don’t believe that and that is why they act up now.

    They only pontificated about it (before the results were in) because they thought the FBI, and massive voter fraud nationwide would guarantee them victory, otherwise they won’t yield the power they feel belongs to them alone.

  2. They were so close into turning this into a People’s Republic that they could taste it. And and proof, it’s gone. There is no going back to “normal”.

  3. They’ll get the looniest of the left out in the streets raging out of control and that’s when those of us that enjoy “plinking” can have some fun. I only hope nobody calls for a bag limit.


    You have:

    Team colors
    Team flags
    Team players
    Team captains
    You run plays
    You buy tickets to go to rallies
    You display signs encouraging/disparaging the other team
    When your team wins, it’s meant to be
    When your team loses, you blame the other side for cheating

    Political activists are not really activists. Shit, they can’t even explain why they are at a rally or what the issue really is! They just show up to cheer and taunt.

    Just like Black Friday “Shoppers” who really show up as a competitive sport to throw elbows at each other and brag to their family how they pried a 30″ flatscreen t.v. from the arms of a 75 year old woman.

  5. My buddy Norm, a formally very political blue union member, dumped the Democrat party and is now an independent. He said he couldn’t join the Republican party for a variety of reasons.

    He told me it was getting too embarrassing to be associated with these clowns. I suspect it is the same with other people with different names.

    Let the Dems drive their bus off a cliff. It is kind of fun to watch the meltdown.

  6. Democratic Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison went even further, calling Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch “illegitimate” as well.

    Wouldn’t that make Alito and Roberts “illegitimate” as well?
    Since Bush stole the election from Gore.

  7. @Anonymous June 29, 2018 at 2:48 am

    > “the peaceful transfer of power
    > …
    > They only pontificated about it (before the results were in) because they thought the FBI, and massive voter fraud nationwide would guarantee them victory

    No, they repeat it because it’s the pap conservatives spout as the reason they’re not putting their shoes on and getting off the couch.

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