Prominent, Highly Credentialed Climate Scientist Says “OUR MODELS ARE MICKEY-MOUSE MOCKERIES OF THE REAL WORLD” – IOTW Report

Prominent, Highly Credentialed Climate Scientist Says “OUR MODELS ARE MICKEY-MOUSE MOCKERIES OF THE REAL WORLD”

Electroverse –

When arguing against global warming, the hardest thing I find is convincing people of data falsification, namely temperature fudging. If you don’t pick your words carefully, forget some of the facts, or get your tone wrong then it’s very easy to sound like a conspiracy crank (I’ve been there, too).

But now we have Nakamura.

The good doctor has accused the orthodox scientists of “data falsification” in the form adjusting historical temperature data down to inflate today’s subtle warming trend — something Tony Heller has been proving for years on his website

Nakamura writes: “The global surface mean temperature-change data no longer have any scientific value and are nothing except a propaganda tool to the public.”

The climate models are useful tools for academic studies, he admits. However: “The models just become useless pieces of junk or worse (as they can produce gravely misleading output) when they are used for climate forecasting.”

Climate forecasting is simply not possible, Nakamura concludes, and the impacts of human-caused CO2 can’t be judged with the knowledge and technology we currently possess.

The models grossly simplify the way the climate works.

As well as ignoring the sun, they also drastically simplify large and small-scale ocean dynamicsaerosol changes that generate clouds (cloud cover is one of the key factors determining whether we have global warming or global cooling), the drivers of ice-albedo: “Without a reasonably accurate representation, it is impossible to make any meaningful predictions of climate variations and changes in the middle and high latitudes and thus the entire planet,” and water vapor.

The climate forecasts also suffer from arbitrary “tunings” of key parameters that are simply not understood.


16 Comments on Prominent, Highly Credentialed Climate Scientist Says “OUR MODELS ARE MICKEY-MOUSE MOCKERIES OF THE REAL WORLD”

  1. Greta and the Greta-ites are stocking supplies on their ships and making them ready to assault the heretics. They will leave immediately after filling the tanks with diesel fuel. They will then make sure all the celebrities are ready to fly their private jets to watch the mind-raping festivities.

  2. “Our models are Mickey-Mouse mockeries of the real world.”

    Earth’s atmospheric physics: not a simple system.

    Poor Mickey, though. He gets invoked every time something is simply too dumb or grossly inadequate. And the modern Disney Corporation also proves it. (I got shot down in a high school debate competition for using the term ‘Mickey Mouse.’ But, it IS the de facto standard for insulting something stupidly simplistic, Glad to see someone with a PhD. using it.)

  3. Figures lie and liars figure.
    Looking at the really big picture tho, in just two minutes, 120 seconds, the energy reaching the earth from the sun is equivalent to the whole annual energy use of humanity. That works out to a ratio of 15,768,000:1. With ratios like that it is pretty fucking arrogant or just plain stupid to think that we are able to impact the weather!

  4. I recently completed an online course, Backyard Meteorology, on Edx by Harvard physics department Donner Professor of Science John Huth.

    One of the points made by Prof. Huth is that weather systems (and by extension climate) are complex and chaotic systems with unpredictable future states.

    He used pendulums to illustrate the concept.

    Not as predictable as the motion of a single pendulum. But completely unpredictable an chaotic as the motion of a “double pendulum”, especially if it’s motion starts from a position where the bottom pendulum whirls in 360˚ motion. Where even tiny changes in initial conditions result in great deviations as time extends into the future. However, even exact same initial conditions also have very different future motions each time the double-pendulum is released.

    This isn’t the same video used in the Edx course. But it well illustrates the same principle of a chaotic system. That we can’t predict weather or climate changes very far into the future. Weather only a few hours with any accuracy. [which was the purpose of the course, to teach how to make predictions of local weather, by observing; winds, clouds, temperature changes, etc., that can be more accurate than the weather reports, that attempt to be accurate for maybe up to five days, but may be only accurate less than 24 hours.)

    Double pendulum | Chaos | Butterfly effect | Computer simulation .


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