Dan Bongino.com -The Trump Administration has secured funding for 1,000 miles of new wall along the southern border of the United States and Mexico, according to an exclusive report from the Daily Caller.
A White House official told the publication that the administration has “now shifted from securing funds to being able to build more wall.” more
I’ll volunteer on my own time time & dime, to go down there and operate the Repatriation Border CATAPULTS when they’re done! 😀
It works for pumpkin Chungkin’. Why not repatriation? Possibly a trebuchet would get more height.
Excellent! Get it done before November.
Now lets have ICE round up the M-13 members and other cold-blooded murderers in our country and get them out of here. Or kill them, whichever is easier. They don’t deserve life.
Barnum & Bailey folded their tents. Wonder what they did with the big cannon they used to shoot the performers across the arenas? Should be cheaper without the net.🤔
Outside the box. Why not find a way to use those almost indestructible obsolete windmill blades to build the wall solving two problems at once? Cut into three pieces and then bury them 1/3 into the ground. There are 10’s of thousands of them.
inquistr had a Story about how Trump is building these Walls right
through Indian Sacred Burial Grounds… I chimed in..
“Sweet, Now We’ll also have the Poltergeist Effect on deterring
sh*tbags from crossing”
I wonder if Ann Coulter will quit busting The Trumpsters chops now. I used to read her stuff every week but she declared jihad on Trump for not ordering the Army to fix bayonets and secure the border. Pissed me off; a good idea but the F’ing Democrats made it politically impossible.
P.S. Some cheeseburgers wouldn’t kill her you know.
My only apprehension about this is what happens when the democrats are in power again and the wall keeps US IN?
He never quits. Trump refuses to lose.
Compare that to the pontificating, posturing, telepromptering, golfing, jug-eared, 2lb dumbbell.
It’s going to take 4 terms of Trump to cleanse my brain of 2 terms of Obama.
@Aloysius Delicktoe – Not just the Democrats, RINOs led by Paul Ryan did even more damage by giving the funding when the Repubs had control of the house.