Promises, Promises… – IOTW Report

Promises, Promises…

Bill Barr ‘Says He’ll Jump Off Bridge If Donald Trump Wins GOP 2024 Nomination.’

43 Comments on Promises, Promises…

  1. That’s not at all what he said but it does present a pleasant image. And since fat people float, the only real risk is making sure the water is deep enough.

  2. Rich Taylor,
    Best would be NO water underneath.

  3. “Do it now to promote those American bitches in the World Cup!”

    That blue haired harpy has seen no playing time this go round so the “homer” in me hopes they do well.

  4. I would hope so Tony R.
    But really is that the best line?
    Trump is effectively the incumbent that got 71 million votes last time?
    He is being unfairly prosecuted.
    If he isn’t the frontrunner it would be incredible.

    I’m sure DeSantis running was an insurance policy against Nikki being the republican nominee if something happens to Trump.
    Since Trump is so far ahead, perhaps he should focus BOTH barrels on the bidens*

  5. It is not surprising that Barr, Pence, and Christie are now virulently anti-Trump. He exposed all of them for being the dumb-asses that they are and they don’t like it.

  6. ^^^^ I hate it when he goes left-leaning networks, including Fox News, and waxes poetically about Trump’s legal woes, it dips of partiality and bias.

    there is no shortage of legal experts who have a good handle on events, eight-six this clown so you don’t look stupid.

  7. Trump better be looking into hiring a private security detail. Like yesterday. They will do ANYTHING in their power to stop him from running. It’s my opinion he won’t be able to run,

  8. “If I had that drug I might think Elizabeth Hurley would answer my calls…”

    You are out of luck, she likes pasty white emasculated Limey’s who have a penchant for black hookers named Divine Brown.

  9. “Highly intellegent and impartial.”

    He said on the Mark Levin show that the murder of Vicky Weaver was “Constitutional.”

    Show me where in the Constitution (the American Constitution) that an unarmed woman, holding her child, who hasn’t been charged with a crime much less indicted, tried, or convicted can be murdered by a maggot from a place of hiding with impunity?

    Barr is a maggot. A huge, fat, lying maggot. He deserves to hang and his carcass portioned out to feed the illegal-alien invading rat-people.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. He seems very conflicted, irrational and bi-polar to me. He’s also quite full of his own intellectual dung and expects people to listen to him. Some good advice would be for him to just shut up and retire. Oh, and gardening. 🙂

  11. The fat pedophile isn’t going to jump.
    He’s a typical cowardly shyster whose word means nothing.

    If he had any sense of shame (or honor) he would have already jumped.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Barr is the perfect mascot for our corrupt government: FAT, SELF-SERVING, HYPOCRITE, ‘TEAM PLAYER’, DOUBLE-TALKING LAWYER.

    The “Law” is not at all about Justice, it is a parlor game played by insiders.

    IF he were half as ‘principled’ as he portrays himself, he would have gone after Comey with his personal pistol and a length of barbed wire to haul him to Justice.

    But the fat MFer has his total attention on his meals, and his Pension. I hope colon cancer has already begun eating out his backside.


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