Proof Leftism is Unnatural – IOTW Report

Proof Leftism is Unnatural

By the way, why does the mother say she is in “a battle”?

She’s admitting she does not want a certain outcome, and is trying to engineer what should be a natural process. How many of these leftist bints are purposely trying to turn their children into transgenders or homosexuals because it’s what THEY want?


24 Comments on Proof Leftism is Unnatural

  1. How can they fall for such a fad?
    With their most important charge?
    Tar, feathers and their children raise decent, however they turn out.
    Without stacking the pervert deck

  2. Why have a beautiful daughter and raise them as a boy? As opposed to letting her find her femininity? Or give birth to a boy and constantly pain him during his struggle to become a man? As opposed to making him feminine? The left are freakin’ nuts!

  3. Nothing like messing up your childs future with your eyes closed. Another parent who fell into a social media trap. Good luck trying to keep your kid normal now. If life isn’t hard enough, lets throw in confusion as to who they are biologically from their own parents.

  4. They have lost their souls and are unable to find peace.
    In desperation they try to fit into cults that flee
    to the latest fads in search of support and love but
    find only dissatisfaction and guilt. They do not
    realize that without the love of God they can only bring destruction and pain into their world.

  5. My 3 year old grand daughter loves her dolls, her Barbies and her Frozen Disney character dolls and loves to dress up as a girl and my son and daughter in law have no problem with it. She also is starting to love baseball and especially the Dodgers, my son and I are both Dodger fans. And Gonzaga University’s women’s basketball, my late wife played some college basketball and was an outstanding catcher on her women’s softball team. She’ll probably be a Tom boy but there’s nothing wrong with that. And just wait until she’s old enough to go hunting and fishing with her dad, she’ll be quite a catch for the right guy.

  6. Leftism is also an undesirable evolutionary trait, which produces reduced numbers of offspring. Eventually other more dominant traits will out-reproduce, and the modern leftist will become extinct.

  7. It’s a merit badge for these fucked up parents.

    “****** may have found a girlfriend online.”

    “Say what? ***** is 16, why is he looking for girlfriends online?”

    “He’s bisexual!”

    “You are proud of that? Your son sucks dicks? That’s not the point… why the hell would a teenager find girls on the internet?”

    I was so fucking confused I couldn’t figure out which concept to attack first.

    “What does HE mean by GIRL? What the fuck do you mean by GIRL?”

    Needless to say I don’t attend the Thanksgiving or Christmas Family gatherings anymore.

  8. I grew up with two older brothers, but I still liked my dolls. I also liked to climb trees and play football (just throwing the ball around), basketball, and whatever else that my brothers liked to do. There were times when I wished I had been born a boy, but I never wanted to BECOME one. I feel sorry for these poor kids. If the little girl wants to play princess, for goodness sake, let her!

  9. Yes, they are doing it for themselves. The old deal was having a token black “friend” so you could demonstrate to all your white friends that you weren’t racist. Now they’re accessorizing with their children to prove they are hip with the “gender neutral” thing. Where’d they get these ideas? At college and by watching CNN.

    There was an old tee vee ad for margarine that went: “You can’t fool Mother Nature!”

  10. A mom here. Not a leftist, but bought a bunch of stuffed animals for my son when he was a toddler, not to raise him gender neutral, but because I thought they were cute. Apparently, to a toddler boy, the only thing a stuffed animal toy is good for, is to swing at another stuffed animal toy, sending it sailing across the room. When knew? Only just prolly every father of a male toddler in the world. Go figure.

  11. I often notice, the people who virtue signal about their kids sex confusion, single women.
    If you don’t know what your child’s sex is, for God’s sake woman, don’t leave it to a 3 year old to figure it out, it’s not cute.
    You’re undertaking something you, nor your child, are qualified to do.
    I know there are beta cuck fathers out there too, they are not real men.

  12. Rody Dangerfield ” these days you can’t tell boys from girls I was talking to someone yesterday I said look at that kid over there Is that a boy or a girl? they said it’s a boy thats my son. I said sure you would know your his father. He said I am not his father I’m his mother”


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