Proof Nothing is Wrong! – IOTW Report

Proof Nothing is Wrong!

…With Biden’s brain. Some people have questioned President Biden’s mental fitness, wondering if he is in cognitive decline. Those rumors are simply not true. President Biden is in tremendous cognitive function. This video will prove that Biden’s mind is still plenty sharp.

10 Comments on Proof Nothing is Wrong!

  1. I think the money shot of the second response is (and I paraphrase): that the average American citizen is beginning to understand the base motivations of the political class…… and THAT frightens poor ol joe.

  2. It’s all a scam as much as his and serial kyller Fauci’s scamdemic is. Fact is the BidenBum is plentiful of stable mind and gives the illusion he isn’t as a DISTRACTION to his multiple crimes against Americans and the country. Those distractions which come in the form of ridicule and mocking, idiotic whispering, fondling children, and recently name-calling of a reporter etc draws attention away from his impeachment-worthy crimes. If he is labeled as demented or unfit, he will get away with those crimes and not be held accountable. BidenBum is mega-worthy of charges issued against him in the International Criminal Court as seen of the Fauci child-kylling monster.

  3. “If he is labeled as demented or unfit, he will get away with those crimes and not be held accountable.”

    Sorry. However he’s labeled, he’ll get away with it. We are a nation of sheep who gladly wear the mask and submit to every suggestion by our overlords. No politician has been held to account in 150 years.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Your blog is certainly under Satanic assult.
    Every time I try to log in I get The World Health
    I don’t suppose there’s anything you can do to stop these
    devils. Satan NEVER quits, and attempts to bring the
    world down to his damnable level.
    Did you ever see the film “Training Day” starring Denzel
    Washington? The innocent cop is abandoned by the crocked
    cop to be killed by a gang. Only a miracle can save him, but
    the miracle happened. It will take a miracle to save us.

  5. That was painful to witness, actually. The really crazy thing is how relatively easy it is for him to slip into the politispeak word vomit so often used it’s become a string of cliches. He’s just a buzz-phrase generator. And it’s not like he was ever intelligent to begin with.


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