Propaganda Expert Marvels At The Effort Behind COVID – IOTW Report

Propaganda Expert Marvels At The Effort Behind COVID


“Covid-19 is probably one of the biggest propaganda operations we’ve seen in history because of the global nature and the resources put into it,” [co-director of the Organization for Propaganda Studies Piers] Robinson said.  “It was pretty clear from the beginning that propaganda was being employed.”

In the U.S. one of the main spigots of propaganda has been Dr. Anthony Fauci and the media’s elevation of this man to god-like status, hanging on his every word and never pressing him to provide data to back up his constantly swerving pronouncements. Every Western government has their version of Fauci, spouting ever-changing, confusing information meant to keep the population off balance, afraid and confused.

A fearful, dazed and weary public is less able to resist the dizzying array of draconian policies coming from governments, from facemask rules and incessant testing to quarantines of the healthy and mandatory mass vaccinations. More

14 Comments on Propaganda Expert Marvels At The Effort Behind COVID

  1. The traumatized are in a constant state of fear and make all their choices based on the fraud of irradiating covid. If there is a bad flu season they are going to demand tyrannical mandates. Ironically outside obesity, anxiety is being reported as the 2nd most common issue of the hospitalized Covid patients. Fear is literally killing these people.

  2. We just got a ro-bo call from the local school district that school will dismiss at 2 pm until Labor Day. The mask mandate from Pritzker is part of the dress code. –
    The covid comes out at 3 in Jersey County Illinois! It’s absolutely uncanny, it happened all of last year too! These people make Tony Soprano look like a choir boy. The scientific proof for such an anomaly? The teachers union says so.

  3. I will never forget the way they immediately had “We’re All In This Together” commercials on TV just as the grocery store shelves were being emptied and the lockdowns were decreed.

    The tinkling covid piano music in every commercial, the gurney wheels and nurse shoes in most of them. And they all appeared so suddenly, as if they’d been made months before.

    I felt disgusted, angry and dirty watching them. They were so obviously manipulative in their intent, it felt like my mind was being molested. And now I am sure it was. I now refuse to watch any TV I can’t FF through the ads. So pretty much all TV.

  4. A quick and dirty guide to regime propaganda
    3 rules of leftist propaganda
    Gaslighting getting you down? Feel like the regime has dialed the Megaphone up to, and past, eleven? You’re not crazy. It’s definitely happening and likely to get worse as our masters’ ability to cope with reality further worsens—or worse, they gain the complete and absolute control they seek. They’re both scornful and terrified of dissent, which explains why they incessantly shriek at us and lie to our faces.

    1) “That will never happen, and when it does, boy will you [homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, whatever] deserve it.”
    2)The Celebration Parallax may be stated as: “the same fact pattern is either true and glorious or false and scurrilous depending on who states it.”
    3) Law of Salutary Contradiction, whose formulation is: “That’s not happening and it’s good that it is.”

  5. how long did it take to convince the Canadas to stop clubbing baby seals to death? and they are a pretty civilized bunch

    how long did it take to convince the Japanese to stop whaling? or do they still do that?

    but 179 nations agreed to lock down at the same time behind a virus with a 99.71 percent survival rate?

    somebody somewhere is one hell of a salesman.


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