Prosecutors Leading Manhattan DA’s Probe Into Trump Abruptly Resign Over ‘Serious Doubts’ – IOTW Report

Prosecutors Leading Manhattan DA’s Probe Into Trump Abruptly Resign Over ‘Serious Doubts’

GP: Two prosecutors leading the Manhattan District Attorney’s investigation into President Trump’s business practices abruptly resigned on Wednesday, according to the New York Times.

According to The Times, the new Manhattan DA, Alvin Bragg, has ‘serious doubts’ about the case against Trump – leading two of his top prosecutors to resign.

“The two prosecutors leading the Manhattan district attorney’s investigation into former President Donald Trump and his business practices abruptly resigned on Wednesday amid a monthlong pause in their presentation of evidence to a grand jury, throwing the future of the high-stakes inquiry into serious doubt,” the New York Times reported.

“The prosecutors, Carey Dunne and Mark Pomerantz, submitted their resignations after the new Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg, indicated to them that he had doubts about moving forward with a case against Mr. Trump.” more

17 Comments on Prosecutors Leading Manhattan DA’s Probe Into Trump Abruptly Resign Over ‘Serious Doubts’

  1. They are going to look really fucking stupid when Trump marches right back into office and tries to clean up 50 years of Damage created in 14 moths of absolute Biden Chaos.

    Besides, they are going to be very busy hunting down & destroying any evidence of Killary Hinton’s Actions.

  2. The writing is on the walls…

    They rolled their shit into little balls,
    and wrote their screed on bathroom walls,
    For year they thot they were balls of wit,
    now they don’t want to eat their little balls of shit!

  3. They were probably given the choice to either manufacture a case against Trump based on pure bullshit or resign; so they took the choice that was certain not to get them sued and disbarred in the long run. I’m sure the Manhattan DA can find some stupid democrat black prosecutor to make a complete fool of themselves like that stupid ass NY State AG Leticia James.

  4. Suck it, Cyrus Vance, Junior. Watch the bullshit that you started just wither away like your President. I wonder why you didn’t seek reelection to see your witch-hunt on Trump through to the bitter end. I bet Letitia James is getting cold feet, too.

  5. Wowser! Imagine the sacrifice! Of underpaid “public servants”. Willing to give up a full pay for no performance, lawyering on the public’s dime, gig. Just because the “new” boss told you to quit dicking around.

    Sure hope they have a “back-up” plan. To cover the rent.

  6. Anymouse hardest hit. Go rub your face in some Cheetos you little marxist bitch..

    When are you going to figure out you red diaper dopers have already spent almost a billion dollars, a special counsel investigation, two impeachments and Jan 6 investigation and still found nothing.

    If there was something to be found you would have found it you impotent faggots.

    Throw in Hillezelbubs 2 billion campaign and you silly bastards are down three billion.

    By all means keep chasing the great orange whale you imbeciles.

    Cisco Kid, I’m assuming that you are addressing Anonymous. Anymouse is the screen name of one of our readers and commenters. Anymouse is a patriot and would never say the crap that Anonymous says. Please address Anonymous as “Anonymous” or “Anon” from now on. I would appreciate it and I’m sure Anymouse would appreciate it, too. Thank you. – Claudia

  7. @Cisco Kid February 24, 2022 at 6:26 am

    > Throw in Hillezelbubs 2 billion campaign and you silly bastards are down three billion.

    How does pulling a 3 dollar bill out of your left pocket, and putting it in your other left pocket, leave you down.. anything?

  8. @Anonymous — What the heck are you talking about, anyway? It seems you’re trying to make your point the hard way. Do you have a point? Just use plain english. See if that helps. I think the problem may be that if you abandoned all the cutesy inferences and cloaked verbiage, your comments would be just as ridiculous as they are now, yes?

    Maybe you’ve got the wrong blog, or something. It’s like you’re trying to comment on topics or to people here with comments suited to some other topic or people.

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