Prosecutors Refuse To Produce Transcript Of Flynn Kislyak Wire Tap – IOTW Report

Prosecutors Refuse To Produce Transcript Of Flynn Kislyak Wire Tap

Something strange is going on in the Michael Flynn perjury case. Judge Emmet Sullivan ordered the prosecution to produce the contents of the wire tap the FBI had on Flynn’s phone that caught the conversation with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak and that ultimately was the basis for charging the former National Security Advisor with lying to the FBI.

The prosecution refused to comply stating that Flynn’s plea and conviction had nothing to do with the recorded conversation and Judge Sullivan agreed. More

Sara Carter believes a comparison of the actual transcript with the account relayed by the FBI agents who interviewed Flynn in the 302 reports would be a “game changer.” More

8 Comments on Prosecutors Refuse To Produce Transcript Of Flynn Kislyak Wire Tap

  1. The prosecution does not want to play nice, they are using the “he is guilty because we say so.” This standard was first applied at the Salem witch hunt trials.

  2. So the prosecution squeezes a plea bargain out of Flynn, but before the judge sentences him, he (Flynn) discovers the prosecution committed fraud when it transcribed the wiretaps, and the judge doesn’t want to hear the actual recordings to compare it to the transcriptions? I’m not a lawyer, I’m just a simple country engineer, but that just doesn’t seem fair to me.


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