Protecting Women and Children is Transphobic – Try to follow the logic of the hairy-chested dude in a dress – IOTW Report

Protecting Women and Children is Transphobic – Try to follow the logic of the hairy-chested dude in a dress

33 Comments on Protecting Women and Children is Transphobic – Try to follow the logic of the hairy-chested dude in a dress

  1. I don’t know about y’all, but I’ve seen and heard about enough from these FREAKS! I wish they would crawl buck under their rock and take some of their liberal enablers with them!

  2. The average man can choke down the average woman in 90 seconds.
    Just a fact.
    No woman ever made it into the Royal Marines (unless they changed the “requirements” (which aren’t requirements if you can change them)).
    Any woman who isn’t carrying a weapon, with which she’s familiar and accomplished, needs protection. PERIOD.
    That mentally unbalanced pervert dude needs to be put up or put down.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “All societies are based on rules to protect pregnant women and young children. All else is surplusage, excrescence, adornment, luxury, or folly which can – and must – be dumped in emergency to preserve this prime function. As racial survival is the only universal morality, no other basic is possible. Attempts to formulate a “perfect society” on any foundation other than “Women and children first!” is not only witless, it is automatically genocidal. Nevertheless, starry-eyed idealists (all of them male) have tried endlessly – and no doubt will keep trying.”

    Robert A Heinlein, “Time Enough For Love”

  4. More protection please! We need a lot more protection!
    This MAN is looking for innocent victims to prey on!
    I’m sure he stands around in women’s bathrooms watching and waiting for a little girl to help!

  5. I always believed in “live and let live” and just kept to myself when I would see someone like this freak out in public. Keep your beliefs to one’s self and we will be fine. But now, when they want to tell you how wrong you are in your thought process and post it for all the world to see…then it’s on. So, with that being said, fuck off fag!

  6. Alice the Goon from Popeye was prettier and more handsome than this tranny freak. One of my neighbors became a tranny years ago and onetime he/she/it snuck up on me while I was changing a tire on my car in front of my house and startled me because he looked and dressed like Alice the Goon. Nothing like hearing a deep male voice behind you and looking up to see a a guy dressed up like a tranny goon. He was also watching how my wife dressed and dressed like her because we kept seeing a tall, homely woman next door and wondered what had happened to Frank and why there was a woman next door until it finally dawned on us that he was a tranny. I feel sorry for his daughter who used to play with my youngest daughter, we never knew what happened to her as she grew older. My son one time when he was in his mid teens laughed his ass off when he saw Frank/Jennifer get into his car and drive off and realized that Frank was a freak, he couldn’t believe it. It was never a dull moment when he lived next door.

  7. I don’t care how many people tell us this is normal or we have to accept them for who they say they are.
    They are drowning in devil spirits and mental illness.
    They are off God’s Word by choice.

    We need to pray for a revival in this country so this stuff will stop and maybe, just maybe some of these phonies will see deliverance.

    Do not let them near your children.

  8. When Frank snuck up on me he was wearing a mini skirt exposing his knobby knees, tall furry boots like Alice the Goon since it was cold outside and a hideous red wig. He/she/it was a freaky sight to behold since I knew who he was and that he used to be a guy. His brother who I also knew and who worked at the local Albertsons was normal and used to talk to me about Frank whenever I’d see him.

  9. Could only go a matter of seconds into the video.

    Protecting the women and children is a matter of survival of humanity. Without them, you have no people populating the future.

    Something this gay man has no awareness of since his seed is completely wasted by his own choice. He has no future. No reason to care about anyone but himself.

    So, excuse me, but I don’t care about your opinion except to hear it and push it back in your face for it’s enormously unaware stupidity.


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