Protesters Demonstrate Outside Faneuil Hall, Demand Hearing For Name Change – IOTW Report

Protesters Demonstrate Outside Faneuil Hall, Demand Hearing For Name Change

BOSTON (CBS) – Several protesters turned out at Faneuil Hall Thursday to demand city leaders consider a plan to strip the iconic landmark of its name.

The group argues it should be renamed because namesake Peter Faneuil owned and traded slaves.

They want to rename the historic site after Crispus Attucks, a black man who was killed in the Boston Massacre.

The New Democracy Coalition, an activist group, has called for a black-led boycott of Faneuil Hall over the name. Boston Mayor Marty Walsh does not support a name change, saying “we can’t erase history, but we can learn from it.”


ht/ illustr8r

10 Comments on Protesters Demonstrate Outside Faneuil Hall, Demand Hearing For Name Change

  1. If I were the mayor, I would in fact change the name. But I would change it to “Fuck You Snowflakes, Get A Job And Quit Pestering Real Americans.”

    On the other hand, there may not be enough signage for this.

  2. guess what? Shaka Zulu had, & traded slaves

    deal w/ it slaves … at least you’re not chained to an oar

    … tired of this ‘victimhood’ bullshit

  3. Name change eh? These protestors will get exactly what they want and then some. You know how much corporations pay to have their name on something?




    I’d be surprised if some company hasn’t submitted a name yet.

  4. “The New Democracy Coalition, an activist group, has called for a black-led boycott of Faneuil Hall over the name.”

    Yeah, that’ll make a dent in the cash flow.

  5. Has it not occurred to these people that erasing history is one of the first steps in erasing a civilization?

    … well, that was a stupid question — of course it hasn’t.

  6. Denouncing historical figures for what was legal at the time will not end well for the progressives when, in the not too distant future, abortion is recognized as infanticide and outlawed. Take a look back then and start erasing from the public sphere as evil every woman who ever had an abortion.


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