Protesters hijack conservative student meeting, call them ‘white supremacists’ – IOTW Report

Protesters hijack conservative student meeting, call them ‘white supremacists’

Why would anyone pay for this?

This is worthless.

The College Fix-

The Young Americans for Freedom chapter at the University of Kansas had an … interesting meeting Thursday night.

A group of protesters showed up, repeatedly challenging YAF members and calling them names, sometimes screaming at them when they didn’t observe practices like asking speakers which gender pronouns they prefer.

The Young America’s Foundation has some excerpts of the accusations and name-calling, as well as the full 33-minute video. (The video may have originally been shot by a “trans woman of color” – see more below.)

According to Campus Reform, protesters showed up to the meeting because they learned that Gabe Lepinski, chairman of the KU chapter, told club members about the protesters’ planned “Stand with ME” rally next week.

The YAF meeting starts with Lepinski saying the club believes in free speech and not the “snowflake mentality” that embraces safe spaces and trigger warnings.

A black student sitting next to him asks “even if it’s problematic?” She explains she means speech that is “causing harm, violence to marginalized identities.”

Lepinski says they don’t condone violence, “but if words hurt you, that’s something different entirely.”


12 Comments on Protesters hijack conservative student meeting, call them ‘white supremacists’

  1. I can’t watch this shit, it’s so predictable. “Which gender pronoun do you prefer”???? A fucking pronoun is going to melt your world? It’s so GD typical to see REgressives bothering normal people-can’t remember if I’ve ever seen a bunch of sane people break up a get together of these fags.

    I had a tough enough time when I was that age taking shit from TPTB, I sure as hell wouldn’t suffer these fools. I was just talking to a friend’s 19 year old son who is about to finally finish HS. In a lot of ways, man is he lucky, the whole world is out there. I told him, do not get into debt for some BS college degree-learn some skills where you can make some good money and see the world. A ship fitter, welder, pipifitter…these skills will get you work just about anywhere in the world, plus you’ll be working with men and make excellent money. Yeah, men. No pronoun problems on an oil rig.

  2. All you have to do nowadays is say “Let’s Make America Great Again” and it’s like screeching nails on a chalkboard to these stupid snowflakes. I constantly warn my kids nowadays they better never, ever become like these kids.

    Imagine a Hillary Presidency where she signs an executive order that all businesses must provide a safe zone where employees can go to avoid micro-aggressive words such as “work” and “overtime”.

  3. It’s New Communism of unnecessary, over-reaching, over-bearing, out-of-control, dictatorial “regulation”, now with insane Bathroom Rules for Radicals and a Fuckton of Corruption! Don’t worry…. in the ginned-up, knee-slapping, rib-tickling, pretzel-logic of these sick, twisted Marxist Utopians everything “good” will be mandated for us, and someone can always be found guilty of something! Same as the old Communism only now they call it Progressivism!
    Yer invitation to a Re-Education camp near you will be in the mail shortly.
    I can see Venezuela from my house!

  4. Those people aren’t Adults
    Adults don’t allow their well being to be affected by what other people think about them.
    I see a bunch of Pussy Tyrants who need a trip to the wood shed

  5. The results of doping kids for the last 30 years with psychotropic drugs to make them managable.

    There was a reason the Nazi Brown Shirt came about. There were, and still are, shitloads of insane leftist agitators that need to be beaten with a baseball bat.

    If that doesn’t bring them back to reallity, it may at least make them think twice about opening their pie hole an polluting the air with thier leftist drivel.

  6. That fat nasty sheboon bitching about white civilization needs a cunt punt. If it weren’t for white civilization, her ass would be swinging in trees in Africa, lucky to make to 30 without being cannibalized by others of her species.

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