Protesters Outside Detainment Facility Injure Border Patrol Agent Who Was Protecting An Old Woman – IOTW Report

Protesters Outside Detainment Facility Injure Border Patrol Agent Who Was Protecting An Old Woman

 DC: A U.S. Border Patrol agent reportedly broke his ankle on Saturday while trying to protect an older woman as protesters in McAllen, Texas attempted to stop a bus transporting illegal immigrants from one detainment center to another.

Some 200 protesters from the League of United Latin American Citizens, who were bussed in from cities all over Texas, descended upon the McAllen detainment facility, and several attempted to stop a bus that was transporting illegal immigrants to another detention center.

On “Fox & Friends” Sunday morning, reporter Griff Jenkins explained what happened. He said, “Something we’re learning just this morning, guys, and that is that one of the agents inside here when this bus was moving, when the melee was going on, was trying to control the crowd, was trying to ensure that he also did not step on a smaller little old lady, he broke his ankle. His ankle is broken this morning.”

Jenkins turned his microphone to the protesters who were quick to blame President Donald Trump for the current situation. One yelled, “we’re coming for [Trump] in 2020, and we’re coming for his Congress in 2018!”

When he asked whether they protested when President Obama’s administration approved of the same conditions in many of the same facilities, Jenkins said that the protesters had nothing more to say.  WATCH

12 Comments on Protesters Outside Detainment Facility Injure Border Patrol Agent Who Was Protecting An Old Woman

  1. Can’t totally blame them = they only believe and do as they are told by the manipulators behind the scenes. They won’t respond to truth because they aren’t capable of understanding truth due to the lies and memes they are being told.

    Trump’s recent no delay in getting them back home (illegals) will be the best if he can make it work.

  2. I have a fantasy. Imagine a fleet of cargo drones capable of carrying a few hundred pounds and with a range of 100 miles or so laden and then with enough power to return to launch point. Every illegal alien caught north of the border is strapped into one, given a gallon of water, a compass, and a map, and then carried back across the border and dropped off somewhere in the Sonoran mountains, somewhere like here, about 75 miles southeast of Bisbee AZ. Kids and old people get dropped off in a small town, but able-bodied adults are set loose in the middle of nowhere. What do you think?

  3. @Bcattin:

    I’m currently building a Kiddiepult…Gotta get the range right.

    Terrific idea! You could greatly simplify ranging by lobbing only standard weights. If you knew the right power setting and elevation for 50 and 100 lbs (and maybe for 150, 200, 250, 300 lbs. for adults) all you’d have to do is weigh the deportee and add enough sand, rock, miscellaneous debris to bring the total up to a pre-calculated weight.

    Easy-peasy! HTH


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