Protesters shout at Hillary: ‘She is guilty, she is evil!’ – IOTW Report

Protesters shout at Hillary: ‘She is guilty, she is evil!’

During a rally in Los Angeles today, at least two protesters continuously shouted over Hillary Clinton, calling her “evil” and “a murderer.”—Video @ AmericanMirror


5 Comments on Protesters shout at Hillary: ‘She is guilty, she is evil!’

  1. Yet, according to some Cruz supporters,
    these sorts of folks will fall right in line
    and vote for Hillary in November.

    I. Don’t. Think. So.

  2. She is the Devil’s bride.
    I once heard an interview with the Devil’s wife.
    She was asked: “knowing what your husband is, why would you marry someone like that in the first place?”
    She said: “Well, I knew he was the embodiment of evil and all that, but at the time I just thought he was a lawyer”.

  3. The trail of bodies following behind Hittlery would cause the FBI to run another to ground and lock them up forever…apparently Her Hinnie is to big to follow the rules…. she has something on Barry that makes him restrain the DOJ and FBI from taking her out.. stalling etc..he claims it is not wanting to destroy the Dhimmo party…I think it goes a lot deeper.

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