Protesting is Simply a “Thing” For Lost Stupid People – They Don’t Even Know What They Are Protesting – IOTW Report

Protesting is Simply a “Thing” For Lost Stupid People – They Don’t Even Know What They Are Protesting

This is embarrassing. These people want to “change the world” and rip up a document that has produced the freest  society, perhaps ever, and they have no idea what they’re talking about.


Not one of these idiots can define “assault rifle” or “assault weapon.”

They protest because it gets them out of the house.


23 Comments on Protesting is Simply a “Thing” For Lost Stupid People – They Don’t Even Know What They Are Protesting

  1. We have so much stupidity to overcome its incredible. Does any school have a civics class any more? Or how about a history class? Cognitive thinking? Math? We’re screwed!

  2. i protest with my money, if you suck, you dont get any of my money. if you dont suck, you get to work for my money. if you dont work, you get to get the fuck outta my house.

  3. If we are going to change anything in the Constitution it should be who has the right to vote. To think that those idiots nullify my, and all of our votes is just infuriating. Simply turning of age shouldn’t be enough to have your voice heard in directing our country and moving it forward. Somehow you need to show you are not a fricking idiot before you cast your ballot.

  4. People have nothing to do today, so they bitch.
    When I was a kid I had to chop fire wood all the time winter and summer.
    Then help milk the cows or other dairy farm chores. When the day was over I fell asleep
    with my clothes on.
    Today kids text each other.

  5. Cull the Herd. 1. Literally, to separate or remove (and usually kill) inferior animals out of a herd so as to reduce numbers or remove undesirable traits from the group as a whole. We had to quickly cull the herd when it came to light that some cows might be carrying an infectious disease.

    America needs a major Herd Culling. Something to ponder. Instead of the “K” word we can simply export…to a $hithole.

  6. Protesting is Simply a “Thing” For Lost Stupid People – They Don’t Even Know What They Are Protesting

    They don’t care what the protest is about as long as the check from the Soros foundation clears.

  7. What I noticed during the Occupy movement was that these were the same people, albeit a generation younger, who used to follow the band. But after Jerry Garcia died and the band broke up, the kids didn’t have anywhere else to go. Their parents still fund them to go away, (who wouldn’t?), but there’s no longer a focus to draw them, so they go wherever.

  8. If you really want to change this, look into running for your local school board.

    How many of us know about the ubiquitous “Community Service Hours” programs that most teenagers are required to perform before they can graduate? Guess where they learn to just show up and get their cards punched? Most teenagers don’t think, they just need to get that time in. They don’t have the critical thinking skills to assess why they are doing a particular thing, but they get inculcated to the idea of “service” which, I believe, is their baptism — for a lot of them — into the whole SJW thing. In the absence of doing real good that is helpful, it results in kids “feeling good about themselves” and provides a false sense of pride and self-satisfaction.

    Of course that’s not true in every case, but I’ve always wondered how you force someone to “volunteer” in the first place. True volunteering comes from an altruistic desire to be helpful, not from being coerced in exchange for Community Service Hours.

  9. Protesting is fun. It makes people “feel” like they are doing something important. Plus if Soros puts a few hundred bucks in your pocketbook what’s not to like? Ah, Astro-turfing at its finest.

  10. Nothing new, here, really.
    “Demagogue” is a Greek word.
    The concept of “Bread and Circuses” came from Rome.
    “Let em eat cake” came from France.

    Most people are just millimeters above (intellectually) orangutans – but even an orangutan knows what’s best for himself.

    “It’s not so much that they don’t know anything – just that most of what they DO know is WRONG!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Hell, they are going out to protest just like folk used to Promenade around the city center on Saturday afternoons.
    They go to check their fashion and bearing against other folk’s fashion and bearing

  12. Unfortunately, it is not funny. As BB pointed out above, it is about further infringements on our GOD given rights. The financiers know that the useful idiots (protesters) do not need to know why they are there. As long as they carry the signs and show up en masse and chant the proper chants…. THIS is what the MSM audience “sees”, and if you do not believe it has an effect on the viewing public, you are dangerously mistaken.
    We Patriots and supporters of the Constitution, BELIEVE in something. The vast majority want to be left alone to muddle through their lives.
    Who was it that stated (and I paraphrase) “…anyone who would give up freedom for security, deserves neither…” was not prescient, instead studied in human nature.
    It will get ugly.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  13. My wife has a friend who went to the women’s march last year. She was a victim of sexual abuse and is very active in abuse awareness. She went to DC, not even knowing what it was all about. Later, she said she didn’t see too many out there for her cause.


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