Protestor Opens Fire On Car That Breaks Blockade – Hits Two Other Protestors – IOTW Report

Protestor Opens Fire On Car That Breaks Blockade – Hits Two Other Protestors

ht/ hot salsa

29 Comments on Protestor Opens Fire On Car That Breaks Blockade – Hits Two Other Protestors

  1. I thought they would require a gun safety course. This jackass fired a bunch of shots without bothering to aim. He is fortunate if no one dies, Too many people to practice marksmanship.

  2. …President Trump should FEDERALIZE the FEDERAL highway system, make it a FEDERAL crime to attempt insurrection on the National Defense Highway system, and use FEDERAL troops to put insurrectionist into FEDERAL prisons.

    Time to stop playing with them.

    It’s FEDERAL property, built for National Defense purposes (look it up). Treat an illegal entry the same as you would on any OTHER military asset, and with deadly force just as authorized…

  3. I’m just appalled … appalled, I tell you! that these ‘mostly peaceful protesters’ are not practicing ‘social distancing’

    this must be stopped! where the hell is the Governor???

  4. Somebody ought to tell those highway-blocking “protesters” that if they want their video to go viral they need to form a big circle around a car and then all open fire at the same time.

    (I’m counting on a repeat demonstration of their expert marksmanship.)

  5. “He hit two fellow protesters”

    Between Necrotizing Fasciitis aka antifa and NFAC, I don’t think white conservative gun owners will have to be dragged into their Revolution.

    Grass or gravel. They can either kill their own (friendly fire) or a Mexican standoff between the two groups. Either method is enjoyable to watch.

  6. If I had spawn stupid enough to protest that shit, I’d have it put down…call it a very very very late term abortion say about 1040 weeks old!

  7. Jimmy — I just mentioned that same thing today. Those shrieking women are the worst. Anything that can be bad can be made really, really awful when you throw the shrillness of hysterical drama queens on top of it all. If there was anything in this world that would make me lose it entirely it would be one of those harpies yelling at me.

    (When I get really steamed up, my voice drops several octaves and I can be heard all the way at the back of the room.)

  8. It is an Irony that the disgust we have for the BLM, Antifa, Violent protestors etc ., has resulted in our cheering on the Trump government to stop the destruction…he is on the side of Civilization. However, in about 90 days, if Biden wins, the Federal Government will become our enemy and support/ join those we now detest. I expect a period of quiet and then a scale of Tyranny will begin where White , Black, Red and Brown Democrats will be free to harass, beat, ruin and rape Conservatives while the Media suppresses much, discusses fair retribution against normal citizens confused at ever greater violence and the governments throughout the country join in against the citizens. I fear that Blacks and white Democrats will attack with impunity…the 1st Amendment has now been crippled by the Cancel Culture and the 2nd has the courts attempting to decide that you may own a gun but if it is seen you will go to prison…what lies ahead could be a Pivot Point in November, if not, we get four years to prepare,,

  9. Everyone here is over reacting. Being good with any firearm is an acquired skill. These people just need more practice that’s all. That’s why I advocate for every day at 3:00 PM we duplicate that shoot and try it again.

  10. Now that the mobs are shooting at cars, a person can no longer drive through slowly, without risking their lives. But even driving through fast may not be enough – if you swerve side to side it will prevent them from aiming by making them jump out of the way.

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