Protestor Struck Down By Toppled Confederate Statue – Reported Fighting For His Life In Hospital – IOTW Report

Protestor Struck Down By Toppled Confederate Statue – Reported Fighting For His Life In Hospital

Daily Press

Demonstrators beheaded four Confederate statues before pulling one down using a tow rope Wednesday night at the Portsmouth Confederate monument as police watched.

A protester was injured as the statue fell, hitting him on the head. Louie Gibbs, vice president of the Portsmouth NAACP, said the man, who was in his 30s, lost consciousness. The man’s head was cut open, and he was transported to the hospital.

The victim is in the lower right corner of the video.  Watch

The Virginian-Pilot reports the victims name as Chris Green. The hospital he is being treated at has not released details of his condition, with family members stating “he is responding to some of the neurological tests, which is a good sign.” More

63 Comments on Protestor Struck Down By Toppled Confederate Statue – Reported Fighting For His Life In Hospital

  1. Unforced error. Dude participates in inane activity because ,racism, and now someone’s down a son, a husband, a father.


    …play stupid games, win deadly prizes…

  2. True, SNS. But prayers for him anyway, and for his family (who may or may not have approved of his activities).

    If ever there was a time for “having the sense knocked into him” to occur, it’s now.

  3. I enjoy seeing karma catch up with a person as much as the next guy, but that’s too much all at once. My hopes and prays for Mr. Green and his family (especially since I know the left hates that).

  4. Is it wrong not to feel badly when these people that insist on destroying property, destroying history, imposing mayhem and hurting others end up hurt too? Another gentle giant not doing nothing wrong. His low go fund me pretty much says it all.


    :walks down hospital hall sees service dog, picks it up by the tail and whacks it’s behind with a newspaper:

  6. That is a nothing burger compared to what’s going to happen to those skanks in Seattle.

    Let the cops or troops be locked and loaded when they move in on CHAZ. The sons-a-bitches in there deserve bullets, especially the guy brandishing an AR-15.

    Those skanks upped the ante, and they will pay for it. Symbionese Liberation Party type end-game is just around the corner.

  7. I guess I have a morbid sense of humor, but this story made me laugh. It’s like the statue said “watch out below, here I come ready or not! I guess you weren’t ready!” LMAO!

  8. Who wants to bet he sues the city for failing to secure the statue properly and not for seeing the potential of his injury occurring.

    It would definitely happen in Canuckistan.

  9. It would definitely happen in Canuckistan.

    It would. Plus Trudope would have already been filmed/photographed taking a knee at the sad sod’s hospital bedside.

  10. So long as a single public school is named in honor of the most virulent racist/segregationist to sit in the office of President all of these protests are bullshit. Empty opportunistic bullshit.

  11. Ann Nonymous Prime
    JUNE 11, 2020 AT 5:07 PM
    “True, SNS. But prayers for him anyway, and for his family (who may or may not have approved of his activities).

    If ever there was a time for “having the sense knocked into him” to occur, it’s now.” are correct, ANP, the Lord wants evwn THIS silly sot to come home. Tough to pray for idiots, but I can join you in praying that he DOES live, AND that it knocked the stupid out of him.

    …gonna be some work figuring out how to say that to the Lord, tho…

  12. JDH: Do you have any proof that Wilson was a Democrat? Don’t reply to me until you show me rock solid proof! And if you think you are offering proof I will tell you that you are not answering the question.

    Sorry, I was just channeling the typical leftist on Quora.

  13. “…and those who control the past, control the future”. George Orwell.

    Let’s see now,…we tear down statues, burn history books, censure news not to our liking, etc…then fill it with our statues, history, opinion, etc. and…after another generation…Shazam!


  14. pianamusic — I am not so sure that will happen. Whomever they honor today will say something unacceptable tomorrow and all evidence of his existence will disappear. After a month there will be no one left to have a statue erected of or a building named after him.

    Which reminds me, have they renamed the 4,298 buildings named after Robert Byrd yet?

  15. I can’t find anything to link but I was reading earlier how Chris Green is not a nice guy. Radical BLM (and other) Leftist activist who probably would have cheered if the statue had fallen on one of us.

    He was a force for evil, not good.

    We pray for our enemies without apology.

  16. Fuck him! He’s not a “victim” in any way. He’s out there breaking the law and no doubt fully siding with the goals of BLM, Soros and the rest of the progressives that are now doing their best to destroy the principles your country was founded on. If his family has to live with his death or with a somewhat function, brain damaged husband/father then that’s the price they’ll pay for his folly.

  17. RadioMattM June 11, 2020 at 6:31 pm


    I hope not true that this can happen. But, it is happening right before our eyes.

    “Oops”, meaning, getting caught in the act of being one’s self. Namely, destroying statues of our history.

  18. JDHasty
    JUNE 11, 2020 AT 6:02 PM
    “So long as a single public school is named in honor of the most virulent racist/segregationist to sit in the office of President all of these protests are bullshit.”

    …huh, Wilson? It fits, but I thought you might be talking about Obama, too…

  19. I truly do not care if the Brown Shirt or any of his buddies continue to use our perfectly good air or not. These jerks (I’m trying to keep it clean) think they have the right to destroy property and hurt or kill people to force their opinions of how life should be on us. I am even more angry at the less than useless leftist politicians that are permitting or even encouraging their activities and the useful idiots that are electing them. AAARRRGHHH!

  20. Ann Nonymous Prime
    JUNE 11, 2020 AT 5:07 PM
    “True, SNS. But prayers for him anyway, and for his family (who may or may not have approved of his activities).

    If ever there was a time for “having the sense knocked into him” to occur, it’s now.”

    Ann Nonymous Prime
    JUNE 11, 2020 AT 6:26 PM

    You will find the right words to say. But if you can’t, the Holy Spirit will know [Romans 8:26].

    Ok, here goes..

    Dear Lord, we stand before you today in prayer that you may spare the life of one of Your errant creations that he may yet come to see the mistaken path that he is set upon, and indeed leads others down, and instead becomes a light to others by confessing the error of his ways and leading them back to You even as he, himself, returns to You. You have before used even those that would kill Your children to Your advantage, as You did when you struck Saul blind on the road to Damascus, that we can have faith that this experience may yet bring epiphany to THIS young man’s life and turn him away from violence and towards You that he may find his OWN salvation and even carry that message to others. Walk around his bedside, speed his healing, and cure his soul that we can all see Your glory as another that seems to be lost in body and in mind publicly returns to You in both, that men may look upon him and know that only You could have wrought such a miracle.

    And we ask it all in the precious name of Jesus,

    Thank you for your gentle remonstration, Ann Nonymous Prime. You were correct in saying so, as I am deficient in praying for enemies, even though I know better. Glad we have this site where I have some like you to help me in my faith walk.

    God Bless,

  21. @ RadioMattM June 11, 2020 at 6:25 pm

    Well at the 1924 Democrat nominating convention, known as the Klan Bake, they nominated him as their candidate for President.

    The efforts they are putting into discrediting Klan participation at that event tell you it was every bit as racist/segregationist as claimed. The Democrats are trying to airbrush that bit of history away, but anyone with a functioning brain knows the score.

    Hatred Endorsed by a President

  22. I don’t ordinarily hate strangers. But seriously, when you become the Taliban, when you are authorized by your city council to act out. And a ton of bronze drops in yer Ill formed head cuz you have no skills?

    Are you looking for sympathy now?

  23. We can make bad, crud and even funny jokes about this stuff, but the truth is we are called by God to pray for the D-F. We are called to pray for what God wants for his soul and body. We are always called to pray for our enemies.

    I like what I learned from one of the ladies at CTH. She said her mom used to ask God to convert them or stop them. Also, you all know when you need to forgive, you can ask God to forgive them for you. God knows you don’t have to feel forgiveness. It is not a feeling, it is an act, an act that you can put in God’s hands.

    I really like the scripture Ann Nonymous Prime posted above. TY Ann.

  24. I refuse to apologize.

    Banish me if you like.

    But these people are shredding civil society and anything resembling a godly society.

    I totally reject satanists that wish to disrupt civil order.

    Reject me if you wish.

    That’s fine. If you tolerate disorder you will get more.
    If you tolerate the closing of your church you have no refuge.

    I am totally finished with the anarchists


    Two taps.

  25. For those who are praying for this foolish, evil man in obedience to the Word of God should also note, this may be God’s judgement.
    We don’t know for sure of course, but God in his mercy has probably already warned and advised this man to repent.
    Still, he chose mob violence and destruction, that could have harmed others.

    The following scripture, many have quoted on this thread, does apply in this situation;
    Galatians 6:7-8
    7 “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

    8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”
    More scripture pertaining to looters; Proverbs 1:11-18

    Who knows, maybe this guy’s fellow band of stupid brothers and sisters will have second thoughts about participating in mob violence if the price is too high.


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