Protestors gather to keep Staten Island bar open despite lock-down orders – IOTW Report

Protestors gather to keep Staten Island bar open despite lock-down orders


Hundreds of people gathered in front of a shuttered Staten Island bar on in New York City on Wednesday night, protesting the sheriff’s closure of Mac’s Public House.

Supporters chanted “USA” and waved American flags and showed their signs; one read “Lock up criminals, not Americans.”

Owner of Mac’s, Danny Presti, had declared his establishment an “autonomous zone.” He explained that due to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s “zone” rating system for coronavirus cases and associated restrictions, his bar is closed, while bars and restaurants only a few blocks away are open for indoor dining. read more

9 Comments on Protestors gather to keep Staten Island bar open despite lock-down orders

  1. Awesome.

    Up here similar thing happened with a BBQ (mostly takeout) place that does not even sell alcohol. It was on a MUCH smaller scale & ultimately they arrested the owner of Adamson Barbecue in Etobicoke, boarded up the place & have coppers surrounding the joint.

    Coincidentally, today a GOOD cop shot & injured a man wielding an AXE and threatening people not that far away. A black man who witnessed the shooting was saying “The officer was by himself and had no backup! Where was his Backup?”

    Comment section of the video really rubbed it in (against the city not the cops) with comments like, ” …busy locking down Adamson BBQ by order of the mayor & health officials”

    The real public is not as stupid as the media 50-50 portrayal the Leftie news would have you believe.

    There are many comments that heavily support REAL cops.

    It is currently not known if the culprit (in Hospital) was advertising for a new “Axe & Snackbar!” establishment or if he was a standard run of the mill druggie.

  2. We know who’s dictating this ridiculous BS and how the police in whatever area we live are responding. Just following orders is no excuse This is tyranny. I don’t need a Supreme Court or CNN or even Trump to tell me that. The founding fathers wrote the constitution so that anybody but a lawyer could understand it.

    People are getting pissed. Creatures like DeBlasio, Coumo, Whitmar, Newsome need to remember mayors and governors live in the neighborhood so to speak. Not everybody needs to go to DC to water the Tree of Liberty. Every patriot has one in his yard.

  3. To quote a fed up newsman Howard Beale (Peter Finch)from the movie “Network, 1976: ” I’m a human being … I’m as mad as Hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!” It’s time for us to open our windows, or wherever we are, and start shouting that to those imposing these ridiculous covid crap!

  4. …not that I don’t think COVID is pure bullshit, a seasonal flu jacked up into a movie monster for peasant control, but I so notice something here.

    -Close a bar: AUUGH! AHHH! MUH FREEDOM!

    -Steal an election to usher in a new era of tyranny and control by global communist: …well, nothing we can do, we welcome our new pedophile overlords and offer up our children for whatever use they see fit and allow them to control our bodies because its too hard to do anything about it.

    …priorities, I guess…

  5. ” …. they arrested the owner of Adamson Barbecue in Etobicoke, boarded up the place & have coppers surrounding the joint. ”

    That’s the situation, the side that has both the firepower at hand and the ready willingness to use it is the side that will win.

    And that isn’t our side.

  6. TPTB are doing this because they believe we will just run our collective suck about “watering the tree of liberty” and will ultimately do nothing to arrest their behavior. Every American must be prepared to step up and serve the Republic as they are able. Not every person is capable of being a rifleman; logistics, supply/material, and intel are also areas of service.

    It’s time for Americans, and would-be Americans to get up on their hind legs and defend our Republic, or sit there and accept your position as a slave. Your choice.


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