Protestors Rush DeSantis on Stage – He is Unfazed – IOTW Report

Protestors Rush DeSantis on Stage – He is Unfazed

11 Comments on Protestors Rush DeSantis on Stage – He is Unfazed

  1. Everyone on our side needs to beef up security.
    Look at what happened to Riley Gaines last week.
    Those fucking trans mobs are more dangerous than BLM thugs & antifa goons.
    As for these two cunts? Who knows what was really their beef?

  2. The left is salivating, waiting for violence to break out so they can advance gun control. Nevermind that they will stir it up, it will be all about the reaction to it and how the guns are bed.

  3. I doubt that they bought the tickets themselves, someone else bought the tickets for them so that they could try to disrupt DeSantis.
    Now the question is, who DID buy the tickets?I

    And “Jews Against DeSantis”? Really? All two of you?

  4. Sometimes I think the only reason U.S. progressives hate Hitler so much is because both he and progressives came up with many evil ways to agitate the populace, but only he gets the credit.

  5. So, help me out here. Two people “rushing” Desantis, is somehow not asssault (threatening violence), but people milling around the U.S. Capitol are an “insurrection”?

  6. DeSantis: “Why you’d want to pay the ticket to get in just to do that, I don’t know!”

    DeSantis, shut up, they paid and you aren’t going to refund them their money. Enjoy the money and praise them for helping to pay for the event. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. That would have been a priceless mock.

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