Protestors vs. Cars – IOTW Report

Protestors vs. Cars

That Don’t Stop.

27 Comments on Protestors vs. Cars

  1. Parents looking for their protester kid: Have you seen our son? 5’9″, blond hair, green eyes, 17 years old…wearing an “Earth Warrior” T-shirt?

    Driver: Yeah, you can find what’s left of him in my front left wheel well. You’ll need to wash him out with a hose.

  2. A couple of cans of that shoot-from-a-distance wasp and hornet spray might be good to have close to hand in your vehicle. It’s probably illegal to spray anybody even if they deserve it, so be careful.

  3. Let’s use some common sense. Drivers should be required to slow down to 20 mph so the protestors at least have a chance to get out of the way. If they don’t – well, they bought their tickets, they take their chances.

    Drivers have to get licenses and pay taxes to maintain roads that are purposely designed for vehicles. Protestors intentionally in that space for the purpose of harassing drivers are fair game.

  4. This election season, advise all those incumbents campaigning for your vote, that YOUR State needs to legislate against ANY protests done on a roadway. (BTW, this should be FEDERAL LAW, imo. But I expect less than bupkis from those criminals!)

    The roads are NOT intended for any purpose other than transportation. There are circumstances where time is of the essence and NO ONE has a self-annointed Right to impede:
    –a medical emergency
    –a childbirth
    –a law-abiding citizen out for a “Sunday Drive” !

    I will not stop for such LOSERS; I will slow down like I would for stray animals. The animals respond to my car’s horn or lights. If a self-righteous human decides to ignore those signals willfully, they’ll soon understand why my truck has 8″ of ground clearance. No apologies.

  5. *** Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! ***

    Death Race 2000 (sequel of the original movie ;-)) – now hiring woke, transgender, gay, pedophile, progressive, liberal, Democrat, purple-haired, Karen’s, metro-sexuals and more! Make really good money in every scene! Call us at 123-555-1234 and come in today for an audition. Most everyone excepted! You talent is desperately needed! Money advance. Help us make this movie!!!

  6. Ask Reginald Denny how stopping worked out for him. Search for pics and decide if that’s how you want to end up. Reginald had the perfect vehicle for crushing dozens. What a shame that he stopped.

  7. I will stop, put the truck in neutral, engage 4×4 Low range, drop it in M 1, hit the horn, and then run it up to 2500 RPM. That will put me at 4 mph. The Micky Thompson MT’s will leave nasty marks on flesh and broken bone.

  8. So far I carry a pair of shinai (bamboo practice swords) with me. Somewhere I have/had a boken (wood practice sword), but can’t find it at the moment.
    If I ever come across any of these road blocking idjits, I’ll stop, get out, and “spar”. Yeah! That’s it, I’ll “spar” with them.
    I need some new practice partners. And these road protesters just involuntarily volunteered.

  9. “So far I carry a pair of shinai (bamboo practice swords) with me.”

    I carry a 10 inch Black Out AR velcroed to my read seat. It’s out in about 2 seconds. My pistols out in just under 1 second. There’s going to come a time, around November, where LE are going to be to busy to protect these assholes.

  10. A few decades ago, my sister was driving right in front of the county jail, just west of downtown Dallas, about 10pm at night in her Cobra Mustang and two black dudes walked out in front of her to stop her.

    She floored it and they dived out of the way to save their lives.

    I miss her greatly.

    I look forward to seeing her in heaven, She was definitely saved.


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